Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Week 8 Observations

1.Winner of the Week. Wayne takes the WoW award this week. His 9 points bettered Kirk, Diane, Patrick, Mike, Peg, Kevin, Jo and Nick who all had 8 points.

2. Leaders are Leading. Jo and Kev remain firmly int he lead. Amazingly consistent, they have gained a large lead for the half-way mark. Jo has 3 points on Kev, 5 points on Mike and Judy, 6 points on the rising Nick, and 7 points on Kirk.

3. Pick of the Week. Diane gets the honor once again with her stunning pick of the Bears over the Vikings. She also had the Reverse Pick of the Week with her pick of the Eagles over the Boys.

4. Behind Last Year's Pace. Jo is doing fine this year with her 82 points, but last year's stats show that 6 league members had more than she does this year. Ed was leading with 88, followed by Jo (86), Karen (85), and Wayne, Patrick and Luke (83).