Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Sad Half Truths


I find it disturbing that my youngest sibling, the one I covered for and took all her due beatings for, would turn on me like an angry rattler.

I haven't seen any evidence revealed by G.G. as to who among us might be suspected of gambling, in violation of the bylaws and covenants. Yet, my beloved little sis, whom I protected and shielded from harm throughout her childhood, out of the blue accuses me of some perceived dastardly deed.  This, without offering even a shred of evidence.

I remember her sitting in the backseat of the family car, cracking and snapping her gum in spite of being told countless times not to.  I gallantly took the blame and Dad's backhand aside the head.  Neither Dad nor myself believed in EVER striking a woman, must less a bratty little girl.  Thus, it was my duty to serve any sentence little Sis deserved.

Has she ever really thanked me for taking the blame for all her misdeeds?  Yea, right...

And to add insult to injury, she accuses me of being the problem child. 

But there is one thing missing from her acidic post.  Nowhere does she deny any accusation of gambling, real or imagined.

Methinks little Sis protests too much...

Sad but true

I am deeply saddened and it is with a heavy heart that I have to share this information with the members in the league.  I suspect that some of Omaha's childhood issues have reared their ugly heads. He has always suffered from sibling rivalry and severe insecurity. He cannot deal with NOT WINNING.  This I feel is the reason that he has started the ugly rumor that one of us honorable women is a professional gambler. I certainly can tell Diane that you are not by your stats and I too will stick by all of our girls to the end!  G G you can go back to sleep.

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Week 13 Picks Chart

For members sharing computers with other members or to make multiple picks charts, go to the following link to fill out the PicksChart


Or, copy and paste into your browser's search bar:

Create your own user feedback survey

Week 12 Results and Stats

what ??!!

Well just looking at my stats you can see i'm no professional gambler . But im not going to stand by while this G.G harasses my girls !!!! Who's spreading these false truths ?? JUDY DONT SAY A WORD WITHOUT LEGAL REPRESANTION !!:o)


To be continued.................

Sunday, November 27, 2016


I find it interesting that The Boss has seen fit to attack my good name. I did not attack her good name, yet she feels so defensive that she must attack. Perhaps that would make her a prime suspect? We will all know soon. I am relentless and there are eye witnesses.

Gi Gi

The Boss - correct sp 'innocent'

The Boss - Response to Guido's Investigation

Women of The Go-Zone stand strong and together against these false accusations. I believe all of us are innicent and the truth shall set us free!  Bring it on Guido! Jo The Boss

Week 12 Picks

Committee of Purity Report

Although very busy with multiple investigations, I have determined that indeed there is a professional gambler in our midst. I do not have a name as yet, however I know for sure that the heinous individual is a woman.

The next phase of the investigation is to vet each and every female in the league, a task for which I am highly qualified. I will report back with more information soon. In the meantime, every league member should respond quickly and honestly to any questions I might ask them. Remember, you are all under oath and perjury is a sad and bigly disgusting thing.

Thursday, November 24, 2016

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Week 12 Picks Chart

***Remember, the first three games are on Thursday, starting at 11.

For members sharing computers with other members or to make multiple picks charts, go to the following link to fill out the PicksChart

Or, copy and paste into your browser's search bar:

Create your own user feedback survey


Week 11 Observations

1. A Good Week.  League members came back from last week's disaster with solid picks and a little luck, The Ghost went from 3-11 to 11-3, begging the question of what his strategy was last week.

2. Winners of the Week. Nine members, a full half of the league tied for first place with a score of 12': Omaha, Jude the Prude, The Ghost, The Commish, Nashua, Deland, The Boss, Sanford, and Big Bird.

3. Hanging in There. While the Millie seems out of reach for anyone but the Boss or Deland, it is important to try to maximize your score to better position yourself for the playoffs. Presently, Jude the Prude is in good shape with 107 points, The Commish and Big Bird with 106, Omaha with 103, and newcomers Nashua and the 'Fro with 101.  Four others are lurking with 99.

4. Pick of the Week. The POW goes to Sanford for his pick of the Bucs over the Chiefs.

5. Reverse Picks of the Week. Ignominy aside, the RPOW go to Patrick for picking the Eagles over the Seahawks and Rolls for picking the Jags over the Lions.

Worth Mentioning. Our youngest solo member, Big Bird, is to be commended for his excellent showing this year, his first. He is currently tied for third with 106 points and has made consistently good picks throughout the season. The Commish allows that he himself has never actually met the young man, although he did attempt a discussion at Luke's house two summers ago. But Big Bird was in the middle of an intense texting conversation so contact was not actually made. On behalf the Go Zone community, the Commish wishes Big Bird well, but not too well. The vote was 9-8.

Week 11 Results and Stats

Sunday, November 20, 2016

Week 11 Picks

GG is Connected

Guido  Gonzales shared a pic of him and his idol taken a few years ago...

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Week 11 Thursday Night Picks

Omaha's Picks

Yes, your picks have been received. People who used the embedded picks chart on the go zone website were able to access the correct information. People using the links were not. Everything should be working fine now.


Picks chart

I made my picks yesterday on  the picks chart, were they received and was the list of games correct for this week's games?

Picks Chart Links Now Work

Thanks to Karen and Amy, the picks chart malfunction was brought to my attention, and it now should work fine.


Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Week 11 Picks Chart

For members sharing computers with other members or to make multiple picks charts, go to the following link to fill out the picks chart.

Or, copy and paste into your browser's search bar:

Create your own user feedback survey

Gambling on our games?

Wow, this latest discovery of egregious wrongdoing by one (or possibly more?) of our league members is disturbing to say the least.

Gambling on NFL games? 

Which of our shady members is guilty of his heinous act?

If in fact Guido uncovers proof of such a charge, it will rock the very foundation of our league.  The integrity of the league and its members will be besmirched beyond repair.

I pray this is not true...


Observations Week 10

1. Oh, the Carnage!  The losses piled up for some members this week with a record high average of 7 losses. Particularly hard hit were the Ghost and Sanford, who both hit double digit downturns. Right behind them were Peterborough, Rolls and Granby with 9 losses and Big Red, the Commiah, Cali and Pops with 8. The Ghost's 3 points is a league record in futility.

2. It's Over. The Duke of Deland and the Boss have put the Millie out of reach for the rest of the league. Uncannily and almost presciently steady, they both gained ground this week once again, with 101 and 100 total points respectively. The closest challenger to them is Jude the Prude with 95 points. At this stage of the season, six points seems insurmountable, though technically doable. Absent what we can now call a Ghostly week, neither will be easy to catch.*

3. Closing Quickly. Speaking of Jude the Prude, she is closing quickly over the past few weeks. She won the week with 11 points, 8 more than the Ghost! Also showing strength and consistency is the Big Bird with 10 points for the week and 94 overall. The Commish also has 94, Omaha 91, and the 'Fro 90.

4. Pick of the Week. Pops had the POW with the Dolphins over the Chargers. Deland and Rolls also picked the Eagles over the Falcons.

5. Reverse Pick of the Week.  Rolls also had the RPOW with her Thursday Night pick of the Browns over the Ravens.

*Of course Guido Gonzales' investigation of the Deland Gang may result in penalty points being assessed. BTW, in Freedom of Information Act information, he reports he has learned of a potential violation of league rules. Apparently, one of our members has waged actual money on NFL games, a clear violation of the Code of Ethics section of our Rules and Regulations. More on this later.

Week 10 Results and Stats

Sunday, November 13, 2016

Friday, November 11, 2016

Thank You Wayne, Ed & Mike - Veteran's Day

To our three Go-Zone veterans - A sincere thanks to you for your service to our great country USA!  Happy Veteran's Day

Love Ya,
Jo aka The Boss

Ps - Since I don't drink beer, I'll be searching for some Uncanoonic wine for next year's celebration!

what the

I don't know what happened but trying to find how to respond on the blog was like Omaha trying to make his pic's on the survey last year . I assume since Kirk is also silent he hasn't figured out how to connect while sitting in his tree stand either . I'll blame my issue on myself though , no need to contact the I.t dept . Hope everyone is well . I've already started buying up the Uncanoonuc beer for next years celebration . Happy Veterans day !

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Week 10 Picks Chart

For members sharing computers with other members or to make multiple picks charts, go to the following link to fill out the picks chart.

Or, copy and paste into your browser's search bar:

Create your own user feedback survey

Week 9 Stats

Week 9 Results

Sunday, November 6, 2016

Thursday, November 3, 2016

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Week 8 Observations

1.Winner of the Week. Wayne takes the WoW award this week. His 9 points bettered Kirk, Diane, Patrick, Mike, Peg, Kevin, Jo and Nick who all had 8 points.

2. Leaders are Leading. Jo and Kev remain firmly int he lead. Amazingly consistent, they have gained a large lead for the half-way mark. Jo has 3 points on Kev, 5 points on Mike and Judy, 6 points on the rising Nick, and 7 points on Kirk.

3. Pick of the Week. Diane gets the honor once again with her stunning pick of the Bears over the Vikings. She also had the Reverse Pick of the Week with her pick of the Eagles over the Boys.

4. Behind Last Year's Pace. Jo is doing fine this year with her 82 points, but last year's stats show that 6 league members had more than she does this year. Ed was leading with 88, followed by Jo (86), Karen (85), and Wayne, Patrick and Luke (83).

Tuesday, November 1, 2016