Monday, March 2, 2015

Omaha to Ft.Myers

Once again comes the infantile dribble-drab from the frost-riddled Midwest. Maybe it is cabin fever that has claimed Cuz. Maybe he is just an awnry cuss. All I can tell is that after spending day after day pitting Google as the devil, cuz now has reached his defining moment by siding with The Ghost who doesn't have a side because he hasn't made an audible sound in years. The last blurb from The Ghost came shortly after Red Schoendienst hit his fifth home run in spinner baseball for cheater cuz in the summer of 1958. Basically cuz is grasping at straws to find a friend. However there is no need to reach to those depths that cuz has fallen to. Have Google Will Travel should be the theme to next year's pool. The league will also be supplying each owner with dial-up internet access so that none of the owners will be able to post anything. Wait, Karen had no trouble posting so Google only affects male Gonyeas from Omaha. The Go-Zone is alive and well.
Best to all