Sunday, March 1, 2015

Hilarious, Wayne

Now I am wondering why I tried so hard to get it so you could post. What drivel! Except for the wallflower bit. And, after perjuring yourself shamelessly, you have to live with the fact that Ed will never read a word of it. Oh, Patrick might give him a 25 word summary, but the fruit of your fiction will rot on the vine. And, of course there will be no response from The Chump. He is constitutionally unable to respond, having set his computer to shepherd all GoZone posting immediately into his spam folder.

So, nice try, and very witty indeed. But it is all for naught. All your efforts have been cast into the ether of the internet, falling on deaf ears, dead shores, and barren lands. Hell, I've been writing to myself all year long, with little or no response. Diane responded a couple of times, Kevin a few, Patrick once or twice. I would probably hear more from people if I joined twitter.

The GoZone came in from the cold limping and lethargic, and Ed winning it all kicked it into oblivion.

With all due respect,