Friday, August 28, 2015

The Ghost Is Awarded 2014 Trophies

Ed "The Ghost" O'Leary displays his trophies at his home in Manchester, NH.

Ed "The Ghost" O'Leary was awarded the 2014 regular season (The Millie) and overall (The Chappie) trophies recently in Manchester, NH. The Commissioner traveled there from the league's summer office in Peterborough to hand over the trophies.

"It took long enough," the Ghost opined. "I've been waiting since February. You'd think these cheap trophies could have been slapped together in a day, two tops. Inefficiencies like this would never be tolerated in the Army Corps of Engineers."

The Commish congratulates the Ghost of his overall Go-Zone championship.

The Ghost tied Kevin O'Leary (2013) with 188 points during the regular season. His 224 points overall eclipses his son Patrick's former overall points record of 218 in 2011.

In a surprise announcement, the Ghost said that he would, with the help of Patrick, open a Google email account and submit his own picks this coming year. "Patrick made too many mistakes last year," he said. "I could have had even more points if he was paying attention."

When cautioned that going of the Go Zone blog is not for the faint of heart, the Ghost laughed. "I can take whatever those clods have to offer," he said.

When advised that Omaha and Deland could be considerably cutting, he laughed again. "I can take care of Wayne and Kevin. No problem there," he concluded.

The Commish congratulates the Ghost of his regular season Go-Zone championship.