Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Wait'll next year

Yes, it was a fun year, even though I finished second (no one remembers that).

Thanks Kev for the tribute to my Angie.  She is such a remarkable woman.  I've always know that, but the past couple of months have certainly proved what a strong and beautiful person she is.  She is being treated like a rock start among the medical profession in Omaha.

Last Thursday or Friday she was interviewed, along with several doctors, by the Omaha World Herald (Omaha.com).  We are expecting an article in the paper sometime this week or next.  If you haven't previously gotten into the caringbridge website, you should.  It's easy (even I figured out how to get in) and reading about Angie's remarkable journey along with the photos and many tributes is just amazing.

She is having an MRI of her brain today to make sure the stroke she suffered is not going to be an obstacle to her upcoming surgery to remove her right adrenal gland, which has a tumor that caused all this trouble.  We expect the surgery to happen in late February.

As for a trip to NH this summer, can't say at this time.  Oddly, Angie and her husband, Jon, were checking out places in the Lake Sunapee area for a summer vacation.  This was before all the medical stuff happened, don't know what if any plans they have at this time.
