Friday, February 1, 2013

Another Foul

How can the Commish let this go? All season we need to put our picks on the blog UNTIL snug-as-a-bug-in-a-rug Omaha decides to whimp out and send a sly email for the Commish only to see. This violates the league by-laws on so many levels. Section 3 Article 2 states very clearly that all owners are to send picks in a manner suitable for all other owners to see. Omaha was the one who ratified the by-law. To follow that, notice how quiet all has been which leads one to believe that Omaha Cuz is already picking out his suit to wear to the "Chappie" banquet. Some people have showed in PJs so the suit and tie thing would be a vast improvement. The Commish and his bike-riding, boat-renting staff really fumbled this one. Even the "big game" stats didn't appear until yesterday. Again, fine weather has disrupted the office from being even slightly productive. Well Cuz, you need to pick the time to cough.....a big cough is a choke.....a big choke resembles the 2011 Red Sox. Sleep tight and remain silent. Probably should send your pick FedEx sealed real tight. Yes, tight like sweaty fingers on the "send" button.

Best to all
Cuz Naples