Monday, February 18, 2013

If you click onto the Nebraska Medical Center link in the message Mike posted, it has the complete story on Angie that appeared in today's Omaha World Herald newspaper.

Also, if you go into the caringbridge website and call up Angie Jorgensen, there is a recent post in the journal with a link to click on that will show Angie putting together a "party dance" as one of her recent cardiac rehab visits this past week.  It's pretty cute.

Omaha cuz

Sunday, February 10, 2013

News on Angie from Wayne

Wayne asked me to send this out to family on the blog. It is from the Nebraska Medical Center's web site and it features Angie and a fellow patient she became close to during her crisis.

Why are these people smiling? Let's hear your guesses and find out if you're right in a story coming soon in the Omaha World Herald. Here's a hint... February is heart month!

What about me?

Kirk isn't the only one to be facing the elements. It has been close to 90° here in Fort Myers for a couple of weeks now!!   Brutal!!

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Sheesh, have to feel sorry for Kirk this weekend.  He's the head of road maintenance for the Granby, CN township.

I'll bet it's fun dealing with some 30 inches of snow.

Hang in there, Kirk!!!


Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Wait'll next year

Yes, it was a fun year, even though I finished second (no one remembers that).

Thanks Kev for the tribute to my Angie.  She is such a remarkable woman.  I've always know that, but the past couple of months have certainly proved what a strong and beautiful person she is.  She is being treated like a rock start among the medical profession in Omaha.

Last Thursday or Friday she was interviewed, along with several doctors, by the Omaha World Herald (  We are expecting an article in the paper sometime this week or next.  If you haven't previously gotten into the caringbridge website, you should.  It's easy (even I figured out how to get in) and reading about Angie's remarkable journey along with the photos and many tributes is just amazing.

She is having an MRI of her brain today to make sure the stroke she suffered is not going to be an obstacle to her upcoming surgery to remove her right adrenal gland, which has a tumor that caused all this trouble.  We expect the surgery to happen in late February.

As for a trip to NH this summer, can't say at this time.  Oddly, Angie and her husband, Jon, were checking out places in the Lake Sunapee area for a summer vacation.  This was before all the medical stuff happened, don't know what if any plans they have at this time.


Monday, February 4, 2013

First off! Congratulations to you Patrick and I hope that some day we will meet in person. And to the rest of you ............
Just kidding. I had a lot of fun filling out my best guesses throughtout the season as well as listening to the untold amount of bashing.
It would be great to get together at Uncanoonic, infact we will confiscate the O'Leary cottage if bunking is in the cards ~ free of charge of course! So ~ for those of you that can make it, lets work on a date. For those of you that can't ~ we will most definately be talking about you over a cocktail or two.
Be safe all and keep the faith!

Much Fun

A note to all for a lot of fun and good-natured ribbing. It was great to have Diane and Kirk join us this year. It keeps us in touch(even if we don't want to hear from Omaha) and promotes some fantastic family fun. Through it all came the miracle of Angie. I know that Gonyea blood pulled her out of danger. Cuz, we all felt the pain and are so glad things are on the right path. Let us know if there are any plans to come east this summer. It would be awesome to have a get-together at Uncanoonic with as many Gonyeas, Severances and O'Learys as possible. Of course this is with the blessing of the Severance homeowners. Many thanks to the Commish for a job well done and congratulations on being re-elected to the esteemed office. Finally, congratulations to Patrick for sweeping the trophies this year(don't start thinking dynasty snotnose). A feat that may turn out to be rare indeed. Patrick, please tell your dad that he missed a great season. Hoping all will stay in touch.
Best to all
The Naples Brat
Congrats again, Patrick.

BTW, there was never a doubt I was going to make a pick for the super bowl, rather than just "block" you by picking the same as you.  In fact, I made my pick to our esteemed Commissioner before you made yours and issued your challenge.

I just had to yank your Uncle Kev's chain a bit before I made my pick.  He's so easy....


Thank You!

Thanks for all the congratulations. I'm humbled to be your Champ for the second time in two years. It was a good fight and a lot of fun. I promised I'd win it again at the beginning of the season and that promise has come to fruition. Also congrats to Uncle Mike, Wayne and Kirk for beating the Naples Brat. I guess a full season is just too much for him in this competitive league. Again thanks to all.


The Champ 2.0 where my trophies at?

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Patrick Comes From Behind to Win 2012 Chappie Award

Patrick came from behind for the second year in a row to win the season and be awarded the Chappie.  Despite a rather rough Sunday agonizing over his pick, Patrick finally chose the Ravens and won 4 of the seven stat categories to pull ahead of Cuz Wayne 205 to 201. I know we all congratulate Patrick on his success (with the possible exception of Naples).

The final count was Patrick with 205. wayne 201, Kirk 199, Mike 193, Kevin 192, Ed 189, Kate 187, Sean and Kyle and Marc 185,  Diane and Luke 184, Jo 181 and Brandy and Ryan 179.

The member with the most points from the Superbowl was Brandy and Ryan with 13, including 6 of 7 from the stats. Luke had 12 points and Patrick 11.

Season Final Stats

Congratulations Patrick

Congrats to Patrick, he won it fair and square.

My goal was always to beat the brat from Naples...ACCOMPLISHED!!!!!!

Super Bowl Picks

Damm it's quite out there!

Change my picks?

I may have changed my picks...I can't remember for sure.

Omaha cuz

Mickey Mouse in Manchester

There was a sighting within the half-hour of Mickey Mouse sitting in a semi-fetal position at 8 Sibley Terrace with one paw on the send button and the other one reaching for tissues. Patrick Puff Daddy needs to man-up and make a decision soon with cat-like quickness. Watch out for the Big Dog. Can you smell that jet stream coming from the midwest. Stinky!

Heh, my pick has been in for hours.

And I blocked no one.

I picked the winning team.

I picked the 49ers, as you (who picked the Ravens) knew I would.

Such crying...most unbecoming.

Omaha cuz

More Midwest Muck

The point leader has sunk to a new low. Instead of the most honorable thing to do, he has reverted to slinging the sludge again. This time it is a heaping pile with a pungent odor. To not come forward with his pick is the most timid, backward and gutless thing that a decent owner would not even think of doing. Patrick, he knows not how to throw down the gauntlet, only to throw away honesty and his golf clubs. May the Chappie gods make sure justice prevails and the spirit of the league shines through and somehow gets in Cuz's eyes because there seems to be a dark cloud over his gray matter. He is acting like the most ordinary wannabe instead of commanding the position as leader. Penalty points for not choosing a team. Choosing to go down this path of "I'll just block them" . Where is your conviction? Kudos to Kirk for coming forward with his prideful picks. Shame on the Nebraska Cornhoaxter! Just like he played that All-Star baseball game years ago. Some things never change.

Livid in Naples


Okay, I only made that pick because I didn't trust Wayne enough to do the right thing and let the game decide it all.

BUT now I'm issuing a challenge to Wayne. I'm picking the Ravens and I challenge Wayne to pick the 49ers. If he does I will know of his honor but if he blocks me by picking the Ravens also he will forgo all honor. He will show himself to be a coward in victory while I will accept defeat right here and now but retain my honor. However should he accept my challenge I say let us decide the victor on the field of battle (the football field) like real men. Should Wayne actually be a man and not a coward he should pick the 49ers and let us settle this like honorable men. The gauntlet is thrown.
Brandy & Ryan


a.       49ers

b.      49ers

c.       Ravens

d.      49ers

e.      Ravens

f.        49ers

g.       Ravens

My pick is in...

Let's see now, what could it be???

Could it be "the same" as the cowardly Patrick and Kevin, whereby none of us would have a valid pick, since I'm sure those two took the cowardly route and picked "the opposite" of me?

Hmmmm.....doing the math, I couldn't lose as none of us, Patrick, Kevin and myself, would get any points in the absence of a valid pick....heh, heh...

Of course, it would give the honorable Kirk, who has made his picks, a chance to win...

Or, did I do the honorable thing and actually make my picks without gaming the system?

Only the Commish knows....heh, heh

This is too funny...

My pick is in...

Superbowl Picks

The Champ
Since Wayne has been so forthcoming with his pick, my pick for the winning team will be.... whichever team Wayne picks against. AH HA!
A. 49ers
B. Ravens
C. Ravens
D. 49ers
E. 49ers
F. 49ers
G. Ravens

The Ghost

A. 49ers
B. 49ers
C. Ravens
D. Ravens
E. 49ers
F. Ravens
G. 49ers

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Picks from Ct ............49ers to win
A: 49ers
B: Ravens
C: 49ers
D: Ravens
E: Ravens
F: Ravens
G: 49ers

Heh, listen to the crying coming out of Naples.  I can't even hold an outdoor practice with all the spygate drones buzzing overhead. 

There is nothing, I repeat - NOTHING - in the bylaws that prohibits an owner from listing all 53 of its players as "questionable" for the upcoming game. 

It is a fact that wannabes trailing in the race for the Chappie Award are demanding I publish my gameplan so they can pick the other team, their only chance to overtake my squad.

Well, it ain't gonna happen.  My gameplan will be forwarded to our esteemed Commish during the coin-flip.  The only way you get it before then is to rip it from my cold, dead hands...

Omaha cuz

Friday, February 1, 2013

Another Foul

How can the Commish let this go? All season we need to put our picks on the blog UNTIL snug-as-a-bug-in-a-rug Omaha decides to whimp out and send a sly email for the Commish only to see. This violates the league by-laws on so many levels. Section 3 Article 2 states very clearly that all owners are to send picks in a manner suitable for all other owners to see. Omaha was the one who ratified the by-law. To follow that, notice how quiet all has been which leads one to believe that Omaha Cuz is already picking out his suit to wear to the "Chappie" banquet. Some people have showed in PJs so the suit and tie thing would be a vast improvement. The Commish and his bike-riding, boat-renting staff really fumbled this one. Even the "big game" stats didn't appear until yesterday. Again, fine weather has disrupted the office from being even slightly productive. Well Cuz, you need to pick the time to cough.....a big cough is a choke.....a big choke resembles the 2011 Red Sox. Sleep tight and remain silent. Probably should send your pick FedEx sealed real tight. Yes, tight like sweaty fingers on the "send" button.

Best to all
Cuz Naples

SuperBowl Picks

Members must choose from the following:

1. 49ers or Ravens

2. In addition, pick the team which will have:
a. Most Rushing Yard 
b. Most Passing Yards 
c. Most Completions
d. Most Penalty Yards 
e. Most Sacks 
f.  Most Turnoversg. Most Passing TD’s.