Monday, January 7, 2013

The Commissioner's Observations

1. Cousin Wayne was perfect in choosing the winners of each wildcard game. This gave him 12 points, and a two point lead on Patrick, who bet on the Colts to upset the Ravens. Still in the hunt are Kevin, with 182 points, and Kate with 180. 
2. With only six games left before the superbowl, the race seems to have come down to those four league members. Very smartly, Wayne has said he will email his picks from now on so that people can't just pick against him. 
 3. All the favorites won, leaving people like Mike and JoJo who thought there would be more upsets ...well...upset.
4. In a path to success, 10 of 13 members picked at least three of the favorites to win. 
5. The Commish was spared the ignominy of earning the fewest points over the weekend when JoJo invested in all the underdogs. The Commish and she will be tempted to pick the remaining underdogs with the hope they win and provide extra points going forward.

On a personal note, the Commish wants to thank all of you for your support these past few weekends when he has been taking his motorcycle training, required for a licence. Despite two broken ribs incurred in the process, he was able to soldier on, and tested out to the applause of his fellow test-takers. As everything must be proven in this league,and because the training session fee was taken from member's dues, the following photos are submitted.