Thursday, January 3, 2013

Big Mouth

There seems to be a hint of fascination for Naples coming out of the Chumps trite remarks as he accepts the regular season accolades. Did he accept in his PJs? The big prize is still out there. That's why it is called "regular" season. Patrick, keep looking in the rearview mirror and soon you'll be staring ahead at my back license plate. Owners please doublecheck playoff rules and point totals. This is always a very sensitive time for the Commish and apparently Brandy. What was that garbled, mis-sorted collection of dribby-drab out of Sanford FL? It definitely puts her in contention for the rotten apple award. Kirk, your fall is only rivaled by the collapse of the 2011 Sox. Therapy may be in order.
Patrick, do you hear footsteps from Omaha, Ft. Myers, Sanford, Naples, Ct, Charleston, Peterborough and even from the Ghost?
Best to all