Monday, January 21, 2013

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Conference Championship Picks

kate's championship picks

Kate picks.....



Sean&kyle: niners, pats
Bran&ryan: falcons, pats


Jo takes Falcons and Patriots
Kev takes Falcons and Patriots

Friday, January 18, 2013

Go Pats !

49er's , Patriots . Those are my pics. My son will be at the pats game sunday so i will only have my husband to deal with if they lose. Of course they wont but im just saying , if they do someone come and save me cause it wont be pretty around here !!

Monday, January 14, 2013

Conference Championship Games

49ers and Patriots are the favorites.

Division Stats

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Seahawks-Falcons Game

The game between the Seahawks and the Falcons will be the most significant in terms of the league standings. Wayne has picked the Falcons and Patrick the Seahawks, so if the Falcons win, Wayne will be ahead by 5. If the Seahawks win, Patrick will receive 5 points for that game alone and lead Wayne by 3.

Division Picks

naples pix

kev: den,gb,atl,pats

div pix

Sean&Kyle: den,pack,falcons,pats
Bran&Ryan: bal,pack,seahawks,pats
Kate's picks


Division Picks

The Champ

The Ghost

Friday, January 11, 2013

Dianes Pics . broncos packers seahawks Patriots .

The Commish is Back!

As most know, I have completed my motorcycle training so I will be available Saturday morning to input picks. However, I will be unavailable from 11 to 1 as I will be picking up Luke and Lindsey at the airport.

Please plan accordingly.

Monday, January 7, 2013

As the senior member of this forum (confirmed to be alive) as well as a founding father, I am exempt from dues that all you kids have to pay.

Such whining dribble usually only trickles out of Naples...

The Oracle of Omaha

Wayne's dues

There seems to be a lot of bragging about winning money Wayne!!!  However, let the record show that Wayne has not paid his dues for the league thus rendering his points up for grabs.  I hereby confiscate all of Wayne's points, therefore putting me in the lead.  I no longer like the way things are running around here, so I hereby ask the Commish to relinquish his post long enough for a few rules changes in my favor.

Division Schedule

Each home team is favored.
Just got back from my golf trip yesterday.  Seven days of golf in Gulf Shores, AL.


On the last day I shot an 81 with 4 birdies.  My team won the front, back and overall team score; I had 4 skins and 2 greenies, I tied for low gross on one side plus overall, and won low net on front, back and overall.  That paid me $45. 

I don't think my (ex-)friends will invite me back next year.  I cashed all 7 rounds for somewhere around $120.

And to top it all off, I return to Omaha only to find I kicked ass in the GO-Zone picks.

Heh, it sucks to be me...

Angie is home and doing wonderful.  She has physical therapy 3 days a week, getting strong enough for the surgery to remove her right adrenal gland.  The recovery will take a while, but she is beautiful, in great spirits and her dad is devoting the rest of the winter to attending to her every needs.  Tonight (and tomorrow night) I'm taking her to watch her son play his freshman basketball games.

Karen is still in Texas with her daughter, Wendy, most likely drinking beer and spending my money.  I never should have told her of my golf winnings...

The King of Omaha

Brandy Accepts 2010 Millie Trophy

Accepting the trophy signifying her championship of the 2010 regular season is Brandy O'Leary. Presenting her the trophy is Senior Advisory Council member J. Kevin O'Leary.

The Commissioner's Observations

1. Cousin Wayne was perfect in choosing the winners of each wildcard game. This gave him 12 points, and a two point lead on Patrick, who bet on the Colts to upset the Ravens. Still in the hunt are Kevin, with 182 points, and Kate with 180. 
2. With only six games left before the superbowl, the race seems to have come down to those four league members. Very smartly, Wayne has said he will email his picks from now on so that people can't just pick against him. 
 3. All the favorites won, leaving people like Mike and JoJo who thought there would be more upsets ...well...upset.
4. In a path to success, 10 of 13 members picked at least three of the favorites to win. 
5. The Commish was spared the ignominy of earning the fewest points over the weekend when JoJo invested in all the underdogs. The Commish and she will be tempted to pick the remaining underdogs with the hope they win and provide extra points going forward.

On a personal note, the Commish wants to thank all of you for your support these past few weekends when he has been taking his motorcycle training, required for a licence. Despite two broken ribs incurred in the process, he was able to soldier on, and tested out to the applause of his fellow test-takers. As everything must be proven in this league,and because the training session fee was taken from member's dues, the following photos are submitted.

Wildcard Stats

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Where are my points?

I received my trophy for 2010 and it states in the bylaws that the winner of the trophy receives an extra 5 points.  In addition, I am currently sitting in the room with the Defender who has offered to donate points to his favorite daughter in law and eldest grandson.  So... go ahead and transfer his points right on over without a delay.  For every day the points are not transferred, the Commish will also donate one point to his favorite Niece-in-law.

Go Vikes!!!


Wildcard Picks


The Ghost

kate's picks

Kate picks........


Wildcard pix

Sean&Kyle: Hou,gb,bal,skins
Bran&ryan: cin,min,bal,sea

Naples picks playoffs

Jo takes:

Kev takes:

Wild Card Weekend

The Champ

Bring it!

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Big Mouth

There seems to be a hint of fascination for Naples coming out of the Chumps trite remarks as he accepts the regular season accolades. Did he accept in his PJs? The big prize is still out there. That's why it is called "regular" season. Patrick, keep looking in the rearview mirror and soon you'll be staring ahead at my back license plate. Owners please doublecheck playoff rules and point totals. This is always a very sensitive time for the Commish and apparently Brandy. What was that garbled, mis-sorted collection of dribby-drab out of Sanford FL? It definitely puts her in contention for the rotten apple award. Kirk, your fall is only rivaled by the collapse of the 2011 Sox. Therapy may be in order.
Patrick, do you hear footsteps from Omaha, Ft. Myers, Sanford, Naples, Ct, Charleston, Peterborough and even from the Ghost?
Best to all

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

rock bottom... or the foundation of the season

Is there no admiration for setting the all time record low for the season?  We went from the winners of the regular season to the biggest losers.  On some TV shows, the loser is actually the winner.  Commish... I propose we make an automatic 10 point gain to the last place team of the regular season effective immediately.  It was about this time last year the Champ and the Commish created rules to help boost their standings.  I only ask that the same considerations be made for those falling behind this year. 

To this years regular season winner... fumble ahead!!!


Wildcard Picks and Favorites

Be sure to review the rules for the playoffs. They are very different from the regular season rules.

Favorites are Texans, Packers, Ravens and Seahawks.