Monday, November 12, 2012

The Commissioner Initiates an Investigation

The Commissioner of the GoZone Football League has started an investigation into Ed's (AKA: The Ghost) pick of the Bills over the Pats. All the people involved have been summoned and their testimony has been scheduled.

Unfortunately, the Ghost's long history of picking against the Patriots, and the many points he has lost by doing so, weighs heavily in his disfavor. Not for the first time, the Ghost's judgment, loyalty and sanity has been brought into question. While the Commissioner will steer a straight course as usual, he does understand that the controversy has to be heard on both sides. The Ghost's lack of participation, to be kind, has long been a problem within the league and has engendered angst amongst the league members. The Commissioner has long dedicated himself to the principle that members who can prove their existence must be heard and cherished.

The Commissioner anticipates that the investigation will be prompt and thorough. He said he feels it should be concluded before the Super Bowl, at the latest.