Thursday, November 15, 2012

Brat Attacks

Dear Honorable Commissioner:

For three years now I have chosen to take the high road and not respond to the brat cousin's continuous and uncalled-for attacks on me.

How does it go - "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone."

Even though I'm qualified to cast that stone, I have refrained from doing so, yet his unwarranted attacks continue.

If it doesn't stop, I will have to call for a special meeting of the leadership council, to seek disciplinary action against the brat cousin for his despicable behavior as provided for under Rule 1, Section A, Paragraph (a) on Page 1 of the league bylaws:  "Team owners will at all times display good sportsmanship and not engage in malicious and unwarranted attacks against the good name of fellow owners."

Paragraph (b) states:

"Violators of this rule shall be called to appear before a three-person disciplinary panel consisting of the Commissioner, the eldest active (emphasis on 'active')league owner, and a third person to be selected by the aforementioned two panel members."

And as you well know, Honorable Commissioner, discipline can include a censure and deduction of (up to) 25 points in the standings; a fine not to exceed $5,000; or even banishment from the league.

I sincerely hope it doesn't come to such drastic steps, and that the brat cousin will seek counseling to address his temper tantrums, anger issues, and other undesirable traits.

As the eldest 'active' member of the league, I will make myself available to assist you in conducting a fair and impartial hearing and determining appropriate discipline.  Oh, and I will, of course, be available to give testimony as a witness.

By the way, thank you, Honorable Commissioner, for sending me a copy of the league bylaws.


Wayne Gonyea
The Oracle of Omaha