Wednesday, November 14, 2012


This smugness coming out of CT resembles Cuz Wayne's first season. The whining is about the same but the brashness is close to a record level of bull shi-! Diane, how could you spend a quiet weekend at the camp with this bro? How Gonyea-like. On another note, the vote is not in yet on the Commish's new contract. The Florida vote is a bit slow getting done. The Senior Advisory Council expects ratification soon after Rex Ryan is fired. Also, in case you missed it, the owners have voted 131/2 to 1/2 to give each owner 1/2 point for each tie game in the future. Patrick voted in his pajamas. The ghost mailed his in.
One last request: The Commish says it is extremely easier to chart the grid if all owners pick by the order that he sends out each week. Something too about using just the nickname and not the city such as Pats and not New England. He can kiss my Irish ass! I'm taking New England this week.
Kev takes Buffalo
Jo takes Buffalo