Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Observations on Week 10

Some observations:

  • Shared Best Pick of the Week goes to Brandy and Ryan for Seattle over the Cardinals. I didn’t see that one coming.
  • Second Best Pick of the Week has to go to Lucas for his pick of the Cowboys over the Giants.  I think I might have called him for his picks a little late at night, if you know what I mean.
  • Most popular and successful pick was the Colts over the Bungles.
  • Kevin remains the leader, two points higher than Wayne and Luke. Bran and Ryan now three points behind with 29. Sean and I follow with 28.
  • Jo and Kev had great weeks with 10-4 records. Wayne’s and Brandy and Ryan’s hatred of the Pats kept them from tying Kev for the week.  Ed’s hatred of the Pats kept him below .500 for the week.
  • Coin toss was 5-9 and everyone is beating it, even Ed.  Unsurprisingly, coin toss is 20-20 for the season.