Saturday, November 20, 2010

I must agree with the Commish on this one. Ed probably needs to consult a physician about his condition. Two weeks in a row!!!! He is just begging to lose. I guess he is comfortable in that role. Brandy was thoroughly chastised for last week's actions. The board of governors may need to meet to decide about Ed's issues. As Patrick Henry once said " Give me the Pats or give me death". This borders on treason. I think Uncle Ed has been around horse poop for too long. His judgement is clearly clouded just like the New England weather!

On the up side, it was nice to the Bears drop the Dolphins a bit further in the standings.

I am also concerned that someone is doing the picking for Luke. There is no way he could be right this often. Commish, give him Ed's number. That should cool him off. I will insist that the Commish open an investigation of Lucas' picking behavior.

Uncle Big Kev/Dad/Bro/Grandpa O