Saturday, December 30, 2023

.....And A Happy New Year!! - Week 17

Out with the old and in with the new! Cheers to you in 2024!

Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Week 17 Pick Link

 This is the week things really start getting interesting!

There is a Saturday Night Game....again

There is no Monday night NFL game this week which left me feeling jaded but then I remembered, the College Football Playoffs are here! So, why not? Keep it fun, keep it interesting.

Simple Monday CFP Rules: 2 games; 2 points for each win 

Here is the link to complete your picks!

Week 16 Results: Christmas Miracles for Kevin

What a week it was for football and family!

I hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas and was able to spend time together with the ones we love.

Just one major move I thought I should point out.......okay maybe 2.....
1. Ed, now I know why everyone fears him!
2. Kevin, has made a nice recovery this week. Someone should let him know it's the end of the season. We must give him credit for his "it's not over until the last whistle" mentality. Props Pop's!

Tuesday, December 19, 2023

Week 16 Survey

 It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!!

There is an NFL double header Saturday and a triple header on Monday, Christmas Day.

If you don't mind, Please get your picks in as soon as possible so I can have extra Mrs. Claus time in my workshop. My elves went on strike, some sort of child labor law shenanigans....who knew?

Thank you in advance! Sending all my love and Christmas joy to each of you and your families!!

Leader Board


Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Week 15 Survey

 There are 3 game on Saturday this week.

In the spirit of Christmas joy, I have remixed a holiday classic. Enjoy!!

Dashing through the defense....on a one play touch down.....over the upright we go.....cheering all the way.... GO-GO-GO
Ref's blowing plays dead...... making fans nuts.....check the replay...... hear the boo-boo-boooooo's....ooh-ooh-ooh
Oh what fun it is to watch these crazy football games!

Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Did you see that?

 This weeks observations......

  • There is no crying in football. Just "Shake it off" Kansas City.
  • Watch out world, Omaha has regained access to the GO Zone. He has it out for Kevin.
  • Trey is the clear winner this week. His head is getting larger by the minute. Lord help me. Also, he said this year is his year for redemption; he will be getting another trophy, but this time his name will be spelled properly. On both.
  • Kirk, first place really? Bullshit.
  • Watch out boys, Jo's coming for you!
  • Shocking!!! Diane is the only one who picked both Monday nights correctly. That puts her in front of Sean; not shocking!!
  • If Sean keeps this up he will join the others in the cellar. He gets it from his father.
  • Kev is back in solitary. Its not considered solitary if there are 2 of them right? Sorry Marc.
  • Lindsey and Luke are still in the honeymoon phase.

Wednesday, December 6, 2023

First post of the season

 This is my first post of the season and I see little has changed.

Kevin is bringing up the rear.


Tuesday, December 5, 2023

Week 14 Survey

 Please complete all picks by Thursday's awful matchup....

Also, this week has 2 Monday night games and each game is worth 2 points.

Results are in the eye of the beholder.


Weekly Observations:

Kirk is still in the lead, which is bullshit.

Amy must still be hung over from Drinksgiving, she slipped down the standings.

Ed is up to his ghostly games. No additional explanation required.

Nick, Trey and Wayne pull away from the middle of the pack like they are going to be anything more.

Mike is slowly recovering from Commish-itis. I will forever show mercy on him, he has earned it!

Jo is making waves, drowning Diane in the process.

Judy has joined the "girls just wanna have fun pack".

Marc has moved into the solitary confinement cellar. Marc, Do you see Kevin's days etched on the wall? Did he leave behind any wine in those barrels? Don't worry, he is only a cell over.

Lastly, which he is used to, Kev was this weeks winner. No big deal needed to be made.