Monday, January 10, 2022

Week 18 Audit

 Our Commish erred on three members during Week 18.

Sean - Our Commish had Sean with a 9-7 record when he actually went 8-8.  Add Sean's 8 points to his previous total of 171 gives him a corrected total of 179 points in the week 18 power stats.

Karen - Our Commish made a simple addition error on Karen.  Her 9 points for the week when added to her previous 154 points gives her a Week 18 total of 163, not the 159 points he mistakenly gave her.

Diane - Our Commish gave her a Week 18 score of 8-8 when she actually went 9-7 for the week.  Thus, her corrected score for the week should be 147 + 9 = 156.


VP Quality Control
CEO Auditing Dept.
Chief Statistician
Supervisor of housekeeping