Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Week 13 Audit

I have completed my Week 13 audit and find two errors in the Commish's numbers.

The Brat (Judy) - The Commish had her picks results correct, but made a simple error in his addition, resulting in her being shorted one point.  Her correct power stat total is 130.

Sean - The Commish gave Sean an 8-6 record for Week 13, overlooking the fact Sean had picked the Jets to defeat the Eagles when in fact they lost that game.  Sean's total was reduced one point and now correctly stands at 124 power points.

The Commish wanted to penalize Judy two points for insulting both the Commish and the Auditing Department CEO, but the CEO took the higher ground and declined the offer. 


CEO, Auditing Department
VP Quality Control
Senior Visible Member - Advisory Council