Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Thoughts from GG

 Well, Google has kicked me off their platform. Something about bad behavior, blah, blah, blah. So, the Commish is allowing me to use his email until my lawyers are done suing Google. His only stipulation is that I don't let on that he agreed, so don't tell anyone, okay?

Anyway, Deland and Omahahahahaha some league members are upset that this Tray guy seems to be uncommonly lucky, if you know what i mean. I tell them that anyone named after a kitchen utensil is hardly a threat. I mean really, Tray? What is his middle name? Table? Will his brothers Coffee Cup and Soup Spoon be joining the league as well? As everyone knows, a guest member cannot win the Millie or the Chappie. Only official members can win those honors.

Well, that brings up what it takes to be a league member. As everyone should know because they are written in the Rules, Regulations and By-Laws, to be members, people must fill out the admission form and loyalty oath. They then must be voted in by the Senior Advisory Council. Once all that is done, they must be in good standing with the Dues Coordinator (who is me). The Rules explains all of this, so I would assume Kate and Tray have read them and simply are not interested in actually competing for the Millie and the Chappie.

And it is not only Kate and Tray who are not competing for the titles. Sean hasn't paid his dues since...let's see...well, never. So we started in 2012 and now Sean owes the league $90 plus carrying costs, $40, and late fees $30, adding up to $160. Lucky for Sean, he has never come close to a title, so he can play each week secure in the knowledge that he wouldn't win anyway, so why pay the dues? Statistically, Sean has the same chance of winning the league championship whether he is a regular member or a guest member.

Sadly, the King of the North is also tardy with paying his dues, owing the league $10 from last year and $10 from this year.

So, here is a more accurate listing of the PowerStats: