Friday, October 1, 2021

The Big Banquet was a Big Hit


On September 25th, eleven GoZone members descended upon the Homestead in Merrimack, NH to celebrate Amy Royce's powerful double win for 2020-21. Amy was a gracious winner, something new for the league, and her summary statement will live on in the history of the league: "In the GoZone, there is one winner and everybody else is last."

So true. Anyway, here are a few images from the celebration.

Kevin thinks he won!!!

Ed is showing Nolan how it is done!!

The Cousins:
From left, Marcus (Mike's son), Amy (Diane's daughter), Lucas (Mike's son) and Patrick (Ed's son).

Jo has an up-close and personal with Nolan.

Kevin saw a lot of Nolan.

And to cap it all off, Guido called from Fort Myers and had the waiter announce that he would pay for the entire bill. Immediately a slew of drinks were ordered.  So, despite late in the season, the banquet proved successful.