Saturday, October 9, 2021


 The recently released pics of some of the Omaha beaters are so funny! They look almost as mean as someone in the original bird-flipping episode! Nice shirts! Classic!

On another note, it has become quite apparent that Trey thinks that the GO in Go-Zone means "Get Obnoxious". He has taken every opportunity to rub the current standings in all of the league owners faces! He now has opened a side business called "The Trey Picks Helpline". To make matters worse his team, the Cowboys, have risen from the ashes this year. This freshman attitude has turned into a cavalier quality that resembles Jerry Jones! Deland is asking that the no-SAC committee convene immediately and consider a deep fine for the newest un-Patriot junior league owner for behavior unbecoming of a Go-Zone member. It smells of treason, treachery and gobble-de-gook. We must nip this in the bud before his namesake Ralph the Fourth remembers any of this nauseating behavior! Come on owners, come on Guido, come on Commish stand and be heard!

Best to all,
