Sunday, October 31, 2021

Thursday, October 28, 2021

Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Week 8 Picks Chart Link

Week 7 Audit

 I have audited the Commish's Week 7 Stats and found one error - Mark's total - which the Commish has changed to correctly show Mark with 70 total points.


CEO Auditing Dept.
VP Quality Control

Week 7 Stats


Sunday, October 24, 2021

Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Important Information

The league office will be relocating to Fort Myers this week from Oct. 20 to Oct 22. This will mean that the Thursday night picks post will not be published this week. The Thursday night pick is still due by 7 on Thursday and the final picks are still due by Sunday at 12 noon. The Commish will not to texting people on Thursday night to get their pick in. The survey has the time each member submitted his or her picks. Those who fail to submit the Thursday game pick will be assigned a loss for that game.

GG is working hard to get the league office safely south, and he will be fielding questions from league members throughout the week. But remember, GG isn't at his best when listening to members complaining. So it is best he not be bothered if at all possible.

Week 7 Picks Chart Link



Week 6 Stats


Sunday, October 17, 2021

Week 6 corrections

Ed and Lindsey submitted correction requests. Ed has the Seahawks and the Bills. Lindsey has the Vikings over the Panthers.

The Commish

 I think I picked the Panthers over the Vikings if you could check please!

Week 6 Picks


Thursday, October 14, 2021

Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Post Audit Changes


The crack staff at the league summer office found an error in the scores for week 5. Both Karen and Diane had picked the Jags over the Titans. Because the team graphics are close, these picks slipped past both GG and Omaha. The correct totals for Karen are 8-8 week record, 9 total week 5 points and 50 overall points for the week.

For Diane are a 6-10 week,, with 6 total points for the week and a 39 overall points. 

Here is the final stats for week 5:

Week 6 Picks Chart Link

Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Monday, October 11, 2021

Ki Ki !!!!

 Way to go kid - you've been great all series long.!!!!

Need verification from the Commish

 I see some folks posting that they didn't pick the team shown in the Commish's picks chart.

I need verification from the Commish when this occurs - either confirm or debunk the poster's claim.  Otherwise, I am unable to perform my audit.


CEO Auditing Department
VP Quality Control
Chief Statistician
Supervision of Housekeeping
Senior Visible Member of Advisory Council

On a fall afternoon in Milford, NH


Yep. Lots of fun at Luke and Lindsey's. As we watched the game, Omaha's name came up and, well, it all deteriorated from there. We do have this though:

Mike. Luke and Marcus salute Omaha

 I thought I picked the chargers......


Sunday, October 10, 2021


 I should have the Broncos over the Steelers.


I think Omaha is, for the first time ever, at a loss for words! 

Week 5 Final Picks


Saturday, October 9, 2021

Don't let the Commish intimidate you, Trey

 You have probably already figured this out, Trey, but our Commish and most of his ilk love to demonize anyone who doesn't blindly worship the Pats.  In his feeble mind, picking against the Pats is a Cardinal sin.

Just consider the source and blow off his mindless ranting. 




 The recently released pics of some of the Omaha beaters are so funny! They look almost as mean as someone in the original bird-flipping episode! Nice shirts! Classic!

On another note, it has become quite apparent that Trey thinks that the GO in Go-Zone means "Get Obnoxious". He has taken every opportunity to rub the current standings in all of the league owners faces! He now has opened a side business called "The Trey Picks Helpline". To make matters worse his team, the Cowboys, have risen from the ashes this year. This freshman attitude has turned into a cavalier quality that resembles Jerry Jones! Deland is asking that the no-SAC committee convene immediately and consider a deep fine for the newest un-Patriot junior league owner for behavior unbecoming of a Go-Zone member. It smells of treason, treachery and gobble-de-gook. We must nip this in the bud before his namesake Ralph the Fourth remembers any of this nauseating behavior! Come on owners, come on Guido, come on Commish stand and be heard!

Best to all,


Official "I Beat Omaha ...Again" Tee Shirts Are In

 The league certified 20-21 Tee shirts saw the first delivery to Amy, Ryan and Nick today. Many were astounded by the color and grit of this year's product.

Here they celebrate the event:

From the left, Peg, Nick, Mike, Amy and Ryan.

Thursday, October 7, 2021

Tuesday, October 5, 2021

See ya next year, heh.

 6-2 final, the Yanks got a meaningless homer in the 9th.  Game over at 11:25 PM Eastern time.  You kids can read about it in the morning.



 Way to go Boggie!  Get 'em early and often!

2-0 Sox!

The old quick pitch - beautiful!

 Heh, Robles sets the Yanks down in order in the 8th.  He got Rizzo on a K with the old quick pitch for the 3rd out.  

Rizzo was not ready for the pitch, and flailed away trying to catch up.  Ya gotta love that one.



 Verdugo knocks in 2 more in the 7th off Green.  6-1 Sox heading .into the 8th!

Am I the only one watching this game?  And you call yourselves Sox fans.

Shame shame...


Bye Bye Cole

 Cole yanked in less than 3 innings.  Love it.....



Schwarbie goes yard, now 3-0 in bottom of the 3rd! 


Week 4 Stats Audit

 I have completed my audit of the Week 4 Stats and certify them as accurate and correct.

I do have one question though.  At your recent meeting in Nashua, did you elect a new Commissioner?

You know, one who can read, write, add, subtract - publish an audit that isn't riddled with errors? 


CEO Auditing Dept
VP Quality Control
Senior Visible Member of Advisory Council

Week 5 Picks Link

Week 4 Power Stats



Week 4 Stats


Sunday, October 3, 2021

Saturday, October 2, 2021

 I am very sad that we couldn’t be there especially when we planned on it all summer.  And double especially since Mike paid the tab!!! 😂😂. Congratulations Amy on a great season and a double win!

Friday, October 1, 2021

Wish we could have been there...

 Looks like a good time, and the Omaha folks wish they could have been there.  Maybe the next year.


The Big Banquet was a Big Hit


On September 25th, eleven GoZone members descended upon the Homestead in Merrimack, NH to celebrate Amy Royce's powerful double win for 2020-21. Amy was a gracious winner, something new for the league, and her summary statement will live on in the history of the league: "In the GoZone, there is one winner and everybody else is last."

So true. Anyway, here are a few images from the celebration.

Kevin thinks he won!!!

Ed is showing Nolan how it is done!!

The Cousins:
From left, Marcus (Mike's son), Amy (Diane's daughter), Lucas (Mike's son) and Patrick (Ed's son).

Jo has an up-close and personal with Nolan.

Kevin saw a lot of Nolan.

And to cap it all off, Guido called from Fort Myers and had the waiter announce that he would pay for the entire bill. Immediately a slew of drinks were ordered.  So, despite late in the season, the banquet proved successful.