Friday, September 17, 2021

The Makings of a Debacle


Early signs for week 1 indicate that it was a historically bad week for the league. Usually, the week's winner averages 10 to 11 points, bur this year few members broke two digits.  The member average was 8.9 for the week. A sad state of affairs indeed. Congrats to the lovely Peg for pulling out 12 points this week.

To quote Jack Nicholson in The Two Jakes, "the leper with the most fingers is king." And that is how the rest of us will have to look at this week. 

To make matters worse, GG somehow created the survey using one source for the games and the picks chart from another source, so he had to input all twenty members' picks hunting and pecking for each correct game. It took him hours. It probably didn't help that he was so hammered to begin with.

Congrats to the female league members. Four of the top five were from the distaff side. Peg, Karen, Judy and Diane led the way in this week's power stats.