Tuesday, September 7, 2021

SAC News

 The Senior Advisory Council met today voted on a change in the consequences of not getting picks in on time, or at all. Previously, the league has flipped a coin on each game. Later, it was changed to giving the member the home team of each game. Last year, GG said that a member had a 12-4 week, the best of his season! GG felt strongly that no member should get more points than members who got their picks in. 

Deland then suggested that a person sho doesn't get his picks in should get the same amount of points as the lowest scoring member. GG immediately took umbrage, accusing Deland of talking about him when the 'Fro pointed out that GG is not a member of the league. This didn't assuage GG much, but it take the air out of his argument. 

So, it came to pass that the rule change was proposed and adapted, 5 to 1. The one being GG who admitted later that he didn't like Deland's attitude, or anything much else about him.

Deland was about to mention that GG was not a member of the council either, but the Commish warned him off.

All in all, one of the SAC's better meetings.