Thursday, September 30, 2021

Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Week 3 Audit

 Week 3 audit

I have completed my audit of the Commissioner's  Week 3 published results and hereby certify that the figures are correct.


CEO Auditing Department

VP Quality Control

Week 4 Picks Chart Link


Week 3 Power Stats



Week 3 Stats


Sunday, September 26, 2021

Thursday, September 23, 2021

Sunday, September 19, 2021

Friday, September 17, 2021


 The Commish is rambling on AGAIN. I thought a leper was someone who jumps high and who the hell is Jack Nicholson? As Aaron Rodgers once said " it's only one game". Congrats to the females upon their bright yet short success as we go forward. Endurance is the key to this league! Please watch diligently as The Commish made a multitude of errors in the first week's results. Apparently the batteries were very low in his calculator and he ran out of lepers fingers! All the best!


The Makings of a Debacle


Early signs for week 1 indicate that it was a historically bad week for the league. Usually, the week's winner averages 10 to 11 points, bur this year few members broke two digits.  The member average was 8.9 for the week. A sad state of affairs indeed. Congrats to the lovely Peg for pulling out 12 points this week.

To quote Jack Nicholson in The Two Jakes, "the leper with the most fingers is king." And that is how the rest of us will have to look at this week. 

To make matters worse, GG somehow created the survey using one source for the games and the picks chart from another source, so he had to input all twenty members' picks hunting and pecking for each correct game. It took him hours. It probably didn't help that he was so hammered to begin with.

Congrats to the female league members. Four of the top five were from the distaff side. Peg, Karen, Judy and Diane led the way in this week's power stats.

Thursday, September 16, 2021

Monday, September 13, 2021

To Omaha from the Ghost throuigh the Commish



Sep 12, 2021, 6:18 PM (18 hours ago)
to me
Hi Commish,
Two errors.  I took the Falcons, not the Eagles (thank you), and I have the Ravens, 
not the Raiders.  Also my Bills logo is standing on its head.

Sunday, September 12, 2021

Thursday, September 9, 2021

Wednesday, September 8, 2021

About time!

 GG has once again reared his ugly head from a disturbing path over the summer months. Silence in his case is obviously the best way to go for him. Overdue I say for SAC reform in penalizing slacker owners who forget to place weekly picks! Kate is back in and Trey is the rookie. Go easy on him as he is a Cowboy fan and carries much disdain for our beloved Patriots. Yes, he is hungry and even starving for wins which may affect his pick selections. Best to all as we gear up for the new season.

3-time Millie Winner, 3-time Chappie Winner, Charter Member



A Little Sweetness for Your Day


Nolan Michael O'Leary

in all his glory

The first child of Lucas and Lindsey.

The first grandchild of Mike.

Tuesday, September 7, 2021

SAC News

 The Senior Advisory Council met today voted on a change in the consequences of not getting picks in on time, or at all. Previously, the league has flipped a coin on each game. Later, it was changed to giving the member the home team of each game. Last year, GG said that a member had a 12-4 week, the best of his season! GG felt strongly that no member should get more points than members who got their picks in. 

Deland then suggested that a person sho doesn't get his picks in should get the same amount of points as the lowest scoring member. GG immediately took umbrage, accusing Deland of talking about him when the 'Fro pointed out that GG is not a member of the league. This didn't assuage GG much, but it take the air out of his argument. 

So, it came to pass that the rule change was proposed and adapted, 5 to 1. The one being GG who admitted later that he didn't like Deland's attitude, or anything much else about him.

Deland was about to mention that GG was not a member of the council either, but the Commish warned him off.

All in all, one of the SAC's better meetings.

Monday, September 6, 2021

Welcome Back!

 We have two provisional new members to welcome to the league. As soon as they do the paperwork, the Senior Advisory Council will meet and officially vote on the acceptance of Kate and Trey. 

Please fill out the Picks chart at the following link:

The SurveyMonkey wanted to charge me real money to continue with then, so I changed online survey company to FreeOnlineSurveys. It is a completely different interface so some of you who have a hard time with computers might want to complete the form early.  I have been told very clearly that the new survey is a bit difficult to use, especially on an ibook.  It seems that after making the first pic, it scrolls down to the end of the page with no way to stop it. It does work on standard laptops and desktops however.

Thank you for your participation in the GoZone Football League. From GG and all the staff at league headquarters, please have a happy and healthy year.

BTW, the annual GoZone Banquet and Trophy Ceremony will be held on September 25th at 4:00 at the Homestead in Merrimack, NH.

GG asked me to remind everyone that the $10 dues are expected by the end of the month.

GG had a rough summer. Besides a longer than usual rehab stint, he was detained twice by New York City police. Let's make his life a little easier by getting our dues paid promptly.  GG is a load, but we were together in high school and the Army, so it would be like losing a part of myself to lose him, although most of the time he seems to have lost himself.