Thursday, September 26, 2019


Apparently Omaha woke up one morning and self-appointed himself to a myriad of titles within the Go-Zone network. This world of fiction parallels his weekly picks! However, somehow Google corporate caught wind of his many actionless titles and wishes to offer him a part-time job helping others sign in to their sophisticated operation on various blogspots. I am sure his helpful nature will be a perfect fit in this high-tech position. The only drawback is that he will work daily communicating with the IT guru Guido. Knowing the bashing Guido has taken on the verbal front from Omaha, this match is not made in heaven. However, all league owners have experienced to some degree the combative behavior of Omaha from time to time, so maybe Guido will be able to corral some of Omaha's thought process within an extended period of time. Poor Big Red!

Best to All,
League Owner Only