Sunday, September 1, 2019

Ed Is The Hit Of The 2018-19 GoZone Banquet!

Gracie takes care of one of her "babies."
Mike, Peg, Diane, Jo, Ryan, Amy, Kev and Patrick admire the Commish's trophy.
Peg, Kev, Patrick, Jo, Diane and the Commish all want a piece of the Ghost's good luck,
In perhaps the biggest laugh of the night, the Ghost insults Peg's and Kev's playoff picks.

Peg, Kevin, Patrick, Jo and Diane try to shake the Ghost's hand!
Jo and Diane laugh at one of the Ghost's many witticisms.
Patrick, who came with the Ghost, poses with the victor.
Peg is one of the first to honor the Ghost's accomplishment.
Ryan and Amy posed with the Ghost after congratulating him.
The Commish congratulates the Ghost on their shared championship.
The Commish was also congratulated by Peg, Diane, Jo, Ryan, Amy, Kev and Patrick.

As usual, the Ghost was in fine form as he scintillated the crowd at the 2018-19 GoZone Awards Banquet. Attendees couldn't get enough of Ed's electric personality. And here is the proof:

Peg, Kevin, Jo and Diane were the first to congratulate Ed on his big win.

It was a fun time, but all agree the Ghost was the star!