Sunday, September 29, 2019


Only 2 games worth watching, Pats-Bills and Chiefs-Lions and both on same time.  NFL games on TV have been horrible this season.


week 4 Picks

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Know your place, Deland

Deland persists in his slanderous and unfounded attacks upon Omaha, the Senior Visible Advisory Council member.

This Council is chaired by our Honorable Commissioner and is responsible for maintaining this website for the enjoyment of members of the Gonyea, O'Leary and Severance families.

Deland should pay particular attention to the word "Senior."  And Deland should remember that he is a junior member of the group, tolerated despite his insolence and rude behavior.  As the family brat, he has practiced the art of whining since early childhood and does it very well.

VP Quality Control
CEO Auditing Department
Director Human Resources
Supervisor of Houskeeping
Chief of Investigations


Senior Visible Member - Advisory Council

Week 4 Thursday Night Picks


Apparently Omaha woke up one morning and self-appointed himself to a myriad of titles within the Go-Zone network. This world of fiction parallels his weekly picks! However, somehow Google corporate caught wind of his many actionless titles and wishes to offer him a part-time job helping others sign in to their sophisticated operation on various blogspots. I am sure his helpful nature will be a perfect fit in this high-tech position. The only drawback is that he will work daily communicating with the IT guru Guido. Knowing the bashing Guido has taken on the verbal front from Omaha, this match is not made in heaven. However, all league owners have experienced to some degree the combative behavior of Omaha from time to time, so maybe Guido will be able to corral some of Omaha's thought process within an extended period of time. Poor Big Red!

Best to All,
League Owner Only

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

wow! I'm flabbergasted!


For the third week in a row, I have to pronounce the stats certified as accurate!

OK, where has our Commissioner gone?

We need an investigation into the impersonation of our Commisioner!


VP Quality Control
CEO Auditing Department
Senior Visible Member, Advisory Council
Director Human Resources
Supervisor of Housekeeping
Chief of investigations

Week 4 Picks List Link

Week 3 Stats

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Week 3 Picks

Ghost heard from?

There is more wrong in Mudville! The Commish is trying to sell the story that the Ghost actually communicated with his office. Dear owners, he hasn’t been heard from since the league was formed. Of course this tidbit of mis-information leaked out via the slippery Guido. Very suspicious!
On another note, Google has struck a deal with The Commish to service the IT department for the next 10 years. It will take that long for Omaha to figure out the sign-in process. Oh well!

Best to all,
Deland(currently in NH)

Saturday, September 21, 2019

The Glitch is Fixed

Thanks to the Ghost for alerting the league office of the glitch. It has been fixed, according to GG Gonzales, IT Director.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Glitch with Survey Monkey. It will only let you in once.


Thursday, September 19, 2019

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Week 2 Picks

Congratulations to the league for getting all the picks in by 10:45!!

Luke took the longest to choose his picks at 

Wayne was next at 34:40.

And Lindsey was third at 34:33.

On the other hand, Nick was the quickest at 1:39.

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Week 2 Thursday Night Picks

You know what this means. The Bucs are sure to win!

Deland Leaps to Support the Commish

Such a meaningless blemish against the spotless image of the Commish and his office. (Guido doesn't count)


Wednesday, September 11, 2019


Omaha's audit is a good step toward complete transparency in the league's weekly picks. I commend him for taking the iniative and for his hard work in making his audits accurate.

However, the league is perplexed by his accusation that the Commish somehow copied Diane's picks seeing as though they had many different picks. And even if they had the same exact picks, that would not be proof enough to accuse the Commish of cheating.

Below are Diane and the Commish's picks. You be the judge.

It is sad to think that Omaha has taken a positive step like auditing the Commish's ongoing efforts each week only to embarrass himself with the scurrilous and false charges.

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Week 1 Audit


Our esteemed Commissioner has tied his previous record of one single week, set last season, for correctly tabulating results of the week's pick-ems. 

It would be nice if he could make my job a bit easier by duplicating this effort a few more times during the 2019 season, but I'm not holding my breath.

Perhaps he struck on a successful formula by copying Diane's picks.

Go Zone Auditor

Week 2 Picks List Link

Week 1 Stats

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Thursday, September 5, 2019

Week 1 Thursday Night Picks

Week 1 Starts Tonight

The Commish will be at Luke and Lindsey's wedding rehearsal tonight, so best get your picks in early. They will count as long as I get them before kickoff, but the picks chart will not be updated until I get home, probably around 9.

Sunday, September 1, 2019

Ed Is The Hit Of The 2018-19 GoZone Banquet!

Gracie takes care of one of her "babies."
Mike, Peg, Diane, Jo, Ryan, Amy, Kev and Patrick admire the Commish's trophy.
Peg, Kev, Patrick, Jo, Diane and the Commish all want a piece of the Ghost's good luck,
In perhaps the biggest laugh of the night, the Ghost insults Peg's and Kev's playoff picks.

Peg, Kevin, Patrick, Jo and Diane try to shake the Ghost's hand!
Jo and Diane laugh at one of the Ghost's many witticisms.
Patrick, who came with the Ghost, poses with the victor.
Peg is one of the first to honor the Ghost's accomplishment.
Ryan and Amy posed with the Ghost after congratulating him.
The Commish congratulates the Ghost on their shared championship.
The Commish was also congratulated by Peg, Diane, Jo, Ryan, Amy, Kev and Patrick.

As usual, the Ghost was in fine form as he scintillated the crowd at the 2018-19 GoZone Awards Banquet. Attendees couldn't get enough of Ed's electric personality. And here is the proof:

Peg, Kevin, Jo and Diane were the first to congratulate Ed on his big win.

It was a fun time, but all agree the Ghost was the star!

Week 1 Picks List