Thursday, November 2, 2017

Will get back to you

I drove over 240 miles today to take Karen's sweetheart of an aunt to lunch.  Had a great time, but it took up all day and left me pooped.

Saturday is our annual meeting of our homeowners association.  As President I will be presiding over the meeting.  I have set tomorrow (Friday) aside to produce & fine-tune a meeting agenda.  Also producing a year-to-date budget report, a budget comparison for 2016 & 2017, and a projected budget for 2018.

Friday night have to watch grandson Joshua in a second round state high school football playoff game.

After Saturday's HOA meeting, will have to conduct a follow-up meeting to fill a board vacancy and to elect officers for 2018.  Then will be meeting to deal with a homeowner's possible violation of our covenants for installation (without Board approval) of an emergency generator between his house and his neighbor's, right next to the bedroom wall of the neighbor's house.'s going to be a long day.

Sunday will be taken up with much-needed rest, physical therapy, more rest, paying monthly bills, and more rest.  Will be too busy to watch football games.

I promise to get back to you, our esteemed Commish, before the Monday night game with my pick for the Colts-Texans game.
