Saturday, November 11, 2017

Thursday Night Proposal

Our beloved leader, The Commish, has authorized me to pursue any and all remedies to eliminate the problems Omahahahahahah has been having with Thursday Night Football. I have brought it up to the SAC and they were excited to make changes to the system (by the usual 3-2 vote.).

However, when researching this issue, it became apparent that the most points, by far, Omahahahahah has lost have come on the !:00 Sunday games. Eliminating them from the schedule would be much more beneficial to Omahahahahah.

Also, he has in the past vented his frustration with the Sunday night games, because they conflicted with his sleep pattern. Most people agree the Sunday night game must go anyway.

Peg has complained about the 4:30 Sunday games as well. It seems that they often (in fact always) conflict with her Sunday night dinner plans.

So, my proposal, to be reviewed by the SAC, is to eliminate the Thursday night games, the Sunday 1 o'clock games, the 4:30 games and the Sunday night games, Additionally,  this would save me a lot of time during the week and especially on Sundays when I have to baby sit the irresponsible league members who can't get off their butts and send in their picks until seconds before the deadline.