Thursday, November 30, 2017

Sunday, November 26, 2017

Thursday, November 23, 2017

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Another error

Yo there, Commish.  I was 9-5 in week 11, not the 8-6 you show in your error-filled chart.

No need to apologize, just fix it.




Yo commish. I should be 8-6 plus the extra Monday pt for 9pts on the week. Not 10. There were only 14 games played so I can't be 9-6.

Week 12 Picks Chart

Week 11 Stats and Results

Sunday, November 19, 2017

Saturday, November 18, 2017

Mistake in the Picks Chart

The Bucs are playing at the Dolphins at 1. It was left off the picks chart because it is a make-up game. You can text me your choice or bring up the picks chart again and answer only the Bucs-Dolphins game. It is the third choice on the chart.

Friday, November 17, 2017

Week 10 Observations

1. Here Comes Big Red! Nebraska may be tanking, but Big Red has put together three good weeks and is now only two points behind the Commish (108 to 106), and has leapt one point ahead of the Ghost and the the 'Fro.

2. Here Comes The Boss and the Cat Mother! The Boss is creeping up at 101 and the Mother of Cats is now tied with Luke at 104,

3. Here Comes Rolls! Rolls won the week at 13-1 and is now tied with the Dink Duke of Deland at 102. It is all getting close with almost everyone within striking distance of the Commish who has had three very humble weeks.

4. Big Bird and Omahahahahhahahah. Big Bird sank to the low of now being tied with Omahahahahahahah with 101.

5. Commish for a Week. The Commish is still looking for a league member to take over for a week to make sure that there is always backup for the league/ A modicum of computer skills are required.

Thursday, November 16, 2017

Monday, November 13, 2017

Thanks for the Assist, Ben

My quest to eliminate Thursday night games is picking up steam.

My friend, Ben Roethlisberger, QB of the Steelers, has joined me in calling for the end to the body-damaging Thursday night contests.

Thanks, Ben.  By joining forces we present a powerful front in this noble task.


Sunday, November 12, 2017

Saturday, November 11, 2017

Monday Night games?

I can't believe I'm supporting Guido's proposal.  But what about Monday night games?  They are a killer for you folks in the eastern time zone, and, of course, I want fair consideration for all.


Whine whine whine

is this a football league or a weekly crying session?  :(

Thursday Night Proposal

Our beloved leader, The Commish, has authorized me to pursue any and all remedies to eliminate the problems Omahahahahahah has been having with Thursday Night Football. I have brought it up to the SAC and they were excited to make changes to the system (by the usual 3-2 vote.).

However, when researching this issue, it became apparent that the most points, by far, Omahahahahah has lost have come on the !:00 Sunday games. Eliminating them from the schedule would be much more beneficial to Omahahahahah.

Also, he has in the past vented his frustration with the Sunday night games, because they conflicted with his sleep pattern. Most people agree the Sunday night game must go anyway.

Peg has complained about the 4:30 Sunday games as well. It seems that they often (in fact always) conflict with her Sunday night dinner plans.

So, my proposal, to be reviewed by the SAC, is to eliminate the Thursday night games, the Sunday 1 o'clock games, the 4:30 games and the Sunday night games, Additionally,  this would save me a lot of time during the week and especially on Sundays when I have to baby sit the irresponsible league members who can't get off their butts and send in their picks until seconds before the deadline.

Thursday, November 9, 2017

Let's get rid of Thursday night games

I would probably be running away with this league if we didn't pick Thursday night games.

I am 3-6 on Thursday night, losing the last 4 in a row.

On Monday nights, I am 7-2.


Week 10 Thursday Night Picks

Sunday, November 5, 2017

Triple yo

Triple yo, I think I might possibly, maybe, there is a chance I picked the Jets, Colts & Titans.

Double yo.. I think I picked the Packers?
Yo Commish. I should have the Falcons.

Week 9 Picks

Thursday, November 2, 2017

Will get back to you

I drove over 240 miles today to take Karen's sweetheart of an aunt to lunch.  Had a great time, but it took up all day and left me pooped.

Saturday is our annual meeting of our homeowners association.  As President I will be presiding over the meeting.  I have set tomorrow (Friday) aside to produce & fine-tune a meeting agenda.  Also producing a year-to-date budget report, a budget comparison for 2016 & 2017, and a projected budget for 2018.

Friday night have to watch grandson Joshua in a second round state high school football playoff game.

After Saturday's HOA meeting, will have to conduct a follow-up meeting to fill a board vacancy and to elect officers for 2018.  Then will be meeting to deal with a homeowner's possible violation of our covenants for installation (without Board approval) of an emergency generator between his house and his neighbor's, right next to the bedroom wall of the neighbor's house.'s going to be a long day.

Sunday will be taken up with much-needed rest, physical therapy, more rest, paying monthly bills, and more rest.  Will be too busy to watch football games.

I promise to get back to you, our esteemed Commish, before the Monday night game with my pick for the Colts-Texans game.


Week 9 Thursday Night Picks


Texans QB Deshaun Watson tore his ALC and is out for the season. If any member wants to change his or her pick for the Texans game, boot up the Week 9 Picks survey and write in the winner of just that game.