Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Week 14 Observations

1. There is a New Sheriff in Town. Omaha won the week with 12 points and lept ahead of the Ghost by 3 points and the Boss by 4. Wayne's week featured a Monday Night win, edging out Luke, Kevin and Sean who had 11 points each.

2. Big Red's Last Two Weeks. Karen was 8-8 week 13 losing valuable points to Omaha, amongst others. She had a better week this week, but lost two more points to Omaha. At 133, she is now 7 points off the lead, still in the running but without much wiggle room with only 3 weeks left.

3. How the Mighty Have Fallen. Jo had her second 8-8 week in a row, and it is a testament to how solid her lead was that she is only 4 points behind the lead today. Omaha surged as the Boss staggered, and the punishment was quick.

4. As it Stands Right Now. 
          1. Wayne 140
          2. Ed 137
          3. Jo 136
          3. Luke 136
          5. Karen 133
          5. Patrick 133
5. There is a Serpent in the Garden. Don't look now, but Deland has 130 points, only 10 off the pace. Bottom feeding for most of the year, he has somehow put together a few good weeks.