Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Week 16 Observations

1. Luke Surges. Peterborough has had a steady run of above average weeks, and now he is tied for first place. While his achievements have been denigrated by some ("Put a monkey in a cage with a typewriter and eventually he will type out Macbeth," scoffed Deland when asked about Peterborough's success, prompting Luke to reply, "I am surprised Deland has even heard of Macbeth"), more generous members wish him well.

2. The Closest Race EVAH! With Wayne and Luke tied for first with 161 points and Ed and Jo right behind them at 160, this is the closest race ever. The Millie rests on this week's choices.

3. Red-Faced. The Commish is disappointed and embarrassed to have fallen behind Deland in points total. He has vowed to do everything possible to gain ascendancy on Deland "once and for all." He declined to explain what he meant by that.

Why Singular Picks Are Not Rewarded

Much has been made by some league members that singular picks should be rewarded with additional points. The reasoning is that giving extra points for a difficult achievement should be recognized, that having sources of extra points brings more excitement to the picking process, and that it would provide an avenue for members who are woefully behind the league leaders to catch up. All of these points have been presented to the Senior Advisory Council, and on one occasion the SAC endorsed one such recommendation. However, the Commissioner vetoed it.

While such schemes undoubtedly would bring excitement to the process, that alone should not be the deciding factor. Empty excitement should be achieved elsewhere. A multitude of points degrades each original point. A person who is everywhere is nowhere. Any number of bizarre schemes could be employed to do this, and for each one allowed, the intent and purpose of the league is diminished. Why not 3 points each of Thursday and Monday games?  Two points for every underdog win? One point for a one o'clock win, two points for a four thirty, and three points for Sunday night?

Before long, a person could hit all of those games and out-point the person with the actual better record for the week. The purpose of the league is not to provide people who have made unsuccessful picks a wide avenue for advancement. Rather, it is to reward people who make successful picks.

Secondly, the risk for inaccurate accounting of picks grows exponentially with each gimmick employed. As our IT expert Guido Gonzales explains, the more combinations and permutations that exist, the greater the chance of errors in the computation of points awarded. Given the indignation and bluster that accompanies each small and easily correctable error currently, the apoplectic response to a multiple of errors weekly is horrible to imagine.

Thirdly, the bargaining agreement between the league and the IT contractors requires extra compensation for extra work, so the laborious task of compiling each multi-faceted statistics for each week will cost the league more money and resources. Given the league members somewhat spotty record of paying their dues, this puts even more pressure on the Commissioner to find ways to pay for the changes.

When the league started, the Commish argued that giving 2 points for a Monday night win would inevitably engender calls for more avenues for extra points by those who are challenged to make successful picks. That seems to be happening now, and the Commish has pledged to hold the line on the gimmicks and schemes of those who would transform the league to a wonderland of arbitrary point generation.

The Commish has spoken.

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Week 17 Picks Chart

To fill this chart out online, go here:

Create your own user feedback survey
I just have one question... don't I get 2 points for being the only one picking the Rams?????!!!  Ha ha!  If this rule was implemented, I would most definitely be in the lead.  This is definitely an attempt by the Commish to force uniformity.


Week 16 Stats

Pick Correction

As usual, Omaha got it half right. He did pick the Cardinals, but he did not pick the Redskins.

Sunday, December 27, 2015

sunday afternoon pick

Come to think of it, I picked the Cardinals too...

saturday night pick

Commish - my pick for the Saturday night game was the Redskins.

Week 16 Picks

Sat Night Pick

Commish-My pick for the Saturday game was the Redskins.

Saturday, December 26, 2015

Thursday, December 24, 2015

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Week 16 Picks Chart

To fill out online, click here.

Be advised that this week there are Thursday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday games.

Create your own user feedback survey

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Week 15 Observations

1. It is Getting Tight! Wayne is holding on at 151, but close on his heals are Ed and Luke with 150. Jo is two points behind with 149. Karen is next with 146,  Patrick with 145 and newcomer Marc with 144.  With two weeks to go there are only 2 points separating the top four members!

2. Luke Moves Up. Luke moved up the most by posting a 13-3 week and winning Monday Night. He picked up 3 points on Wayne, and one point on Ed and Jo.

3. Pick of the Week. Luke was the only member to pick the Falcons and one of only three to pick the Lions for Monday night.

Sunday, December 20, 2015

Saturday, December 19, 2015

Thursday, December 17, 2015

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Week 14 Observations

1. There is a New Sheriff in Town. Omaha won the week with 12 points and lept ahead of the Ghost by 3 points and the Boss by 4. Wayne's week featured a Monday Night win, edging out Luke, Kevin and Sean who had 11 points each.

2. Big Red's Last Two Weeks. Karen was 8-8 week 13 losing valuable points to Omaha, amongst others. She had a better week this week, but lost two more points to Omaha. At 133, she is now 7 points off the lead, still in the running but without much wiggle room with only 3 weeks left.

3. How the Mighty Have Fallen. Jo had her second 8-8 week in a row, and it is a testament to how solid her lead was that she is only 4 points behind the lead today. Omaha surged as the Boss staggered, and the punishment was quick.

4. As it Stands Right Now. 
          1. Wayne 140
          2. Ed 137
          3. Jo 136
          3. Luke 136
          5. Karen 133
          5. Patrick 133
5. There is a Serpent in the Garden. Don't look now, but Deland has 130 points, only 10 off the pace. Bottom feeding for most of the year, he has somehow put together a few good weeks.

Week 14 Stats

Monday, December 14, 2015

Week 15 Picks Chart

Online link here.

Create your own user feedback survey

Sunday, December 13, 2015

Week 14 Picks

Where da picks?

The commish was spotted at the residence of Roger Goodell. Inside sources claim they met to discuss altering certain members picks to quote "balance out the league standings". The source also says this is because of complaints made by Deland. Deland claims his picks are "better than his stats" and he wants that "corrected". So he called in a favor from the commish. When reached for a comment, the commish responded with a string of obscenities.

week 14 picks?

Someone wake up the Commish.  Where are this week's picks?

Friday, December 11, 2015

re: copycats

While there exists a great deal of interest amongst league members to know Omaha's picks before they make theirs, it is not clear whether they want to copy them or avoid them. However, I have instructed Guido Gonzales to treat his picks with utmost security.  GG has assured me that no one can possibly see Omaha's picks except if they really wanted to. He also informed me that, by some computer glitch, his picks have been denied to him, but any other members could access them. This has been rectified, GG said through his parole officer.

Thursday, December 10, 2015


Oh sure, now that I've charged into first place, everyone's copying my picks.

Week 14 Thursday Night Picks

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Week 13 Observations

1. It is All Tied Up.  Jo slipped a bit with an 8-8 week, allowing the Ghost (10-6) and Omaha (12-4) to tie her for first place.

2. Moving On Up.  Luke (9-7) gained a bit as well, moving up to fourth place with 125. Patrick (10-6) moved up to tie Karen (8-8) for fifth with 123. Brandy with a 10-6 week now is tied with Marc (8-8) with 121.

3. Deland Slouches Toward Respectability.  Kevin won the week with a 13-3 week for 14 points. He now has 119 points, only 9 points from the lead.

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Week 14 Picks Chart

If members want to complete their picks online, go here.

Create your own user feedback survey

Week 13 Stats

Sunday, December 6, 2015

4 Games To Watch

The two leaders of the Go Zone football league are Jo and Ed. They have the same pick in 12 games, but in four others they differ.

  • Jo picked the Giants, Ed the Jets; 
  • Jo picked the Bucs, Ed the Falcons; 
  • Jo picked the Jags, Ed the Titans; 
  • and Jo picked the Raiders, Ed the Chiefs. 

Let the games begin!

Week 13 Picks

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Week 12 Observations

1. The Race Tightens. Jo has maintained her lead, but it has dropped to 2. Ed had 11 for the week and Jo 9.

2. Keeping it in the Family. Winning the week was Marc and Luke with 12 points. Marc got his by posting a 12-4 week, and Luke got his with an 11-5 week but winning Monday night as well.

3. The Leaders Bunch Up.  Jo also lost ground to both Wayne (11 points) and Karen (12).  The totals are Jo 120, Ed 118, Wayne and Luke 116, Karen 115, Patrick 113 and Marc 112.

Week 12 Stats