Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Patrick Picked the Ravens, and Other Observations

1. It is between the Ghost and Sanford. Sean picked up some points on Ed again this week, but Ed still leads by 4, 206 to 202.  Ed has been picking exclusively the favorites, and he has been rewarded. Sean continues on his late season push to the top. It may come down to the superbowl.

2. Kirk is Perfect. Granby correctly called each of the four games, going with 3 favorites and one underdog.

3. Dallas Embroglio Affected Many. Eight league members picked Dallas to upset the Pack and it looked like they would, until the refs got into the game. For those eight, it was a 5 point swing, and as Ed picked the pack, all would have gained significantly on him. For instance, the Commish would have had 16 points to Ed's 6, tying Ed in overall points. But, alas, it was not to be.

4. Pat Picked the Ravens. While not technically prohibited, a pick against the Pats still has telling repercussions. Many have voiced outrage at Pat's temerity, but Pat knew he would have to eat crow, or raven in this case. The Raven King of the North is nothing if not cunning, and we all should accept the karma of the Pat's victory. Patrick may be a raven lunatic for picking against the Pats, but bird lovers love the birds, and members have the right to make bird-brained picks. Perhaps his three-eyed crow led him astray. Who knows, maybe a murder of crows are speaking to him, or a conspiracy of ravens, in this case. Whatever the cause, Pat picked the Ravens, and for that he will be known, and upon that his ignominy will be based.

5. Pat Picked the Ravens. What a dumbass.