Friday, January 30, 2015

Finally...Diane Speaks the Truth, and We Should All Be Humbled By It!

Diane's recent post warms the Commish's heart, as she establishes what it means to be a Patriots fan, and what it should mean to be a league member. A true fan supports his team, especially when that team has the best record in football over the past ten years. League members who say they are Patriot fans but who pick against them the first time they are challenged are players in the league, not true fans.

Diane's second point, about paucity of posts from league members, has been confounding the Commish all year. Where is Kevin, Wayne, Patrick, Kirk, and Brandy? Why the silence? The league was created to enable communication amongst the O'Leary brood, later to include the Gonyea's as well. Now it seems everyone feels the level of involvement and communication begins and ends with making his picks.

There are extenuating circumstances of course. Kevin has been in the midst of retiring and buying a new home in Deland, while still commuting to Naples daily. Wayne is in a death struggle trying to successfully sign on to Google, an entity he feels personally hates him and wants nothing less than total domination over all of mankind. Patrick has been dealing with his promotion at work to supervisor, necessitating a few tweaks to his persona. Kirk must be knee deep in the public works of Danby, which one can only assume is perilous, time consuming and ethically challenging. And Brandy's promotion as the supervisor for all online adjunct professors at Walden University has brought with it many more responsibilities, not to mention the heavy counseling she must be receiving to adjust to Kev and Jo being so close to her and her impressionable young ones. My own sons are no paragons. Luke has never been tempted to write or even view a post, and Marc writes the funniest, most trash talking posts, but never posts them. His sarcasm is something to behold.

And then there is Ed. Steady Eddie is truly a piece of work. He told me he views everything from the GoZone as spam, and has instructed his mail app to trash them immediately. Yet, he says that he is kept informed by Patrick, who must use his own sensibilities to filter the messages. To test this point, I asked Ed about a few posts I had recently posted, and he vaguely recalled hearing about them but could remember nothing about either. I tried a third. Same response, I then made up a phony post and he allowed he had heard about that one as well, but could remember nothing of the details. It is the height of irony that Ed has a commanding lead right now, never having even once actually communicated to the GoZone. The Senior Advisory Committee has suggested we meet to make sure everyone has at least the most basic level of commitment to the league. A proposal has been submitted requiring all members to use their own accounts to make their picks. This would mean that Ed could no longer allow Patrick to report his picks.

The Commish has been dealing with this communications problem all year long. He has been penning more and more toxic posts to get any response from anyone. While a few have participated, the usual suspects have declined. Finally it took a picture of Hitler to rouse the ire of Patrick, but then he claimed to like the much hated, thoroughly despicable and perverted Joffrey from Game of Thrones. That should be a disqualifier right there.

Let's hope that Diane can serve as our conscience and lead us to a league of which we can be proud.

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Sheesh, reading Niece Diane's post about their horrible winter weather.

She doesn't know what winter weather is.  Today in Omaha it was 37 degrees with winds gusting 20-30 mph.  It was so bad I almost didn't go golfing...

For all that is right and holy...


Why would you want to log out?

We had agreed that you should stay logged in in order to avoid the complications of the site rejecting your password/log in combination. Why try to log out? Do you want the problem of being rejected at log in?

Deland Finally Accepts 2013 Awards

Kevin accepted the 2013 Chappie and Millie Award for winning the regular season and the Superbowl winner recently. Here he accepts the awards from the Commissioner at the league's winter office in Fort Myers. Fl:

Kevin was later seen putting on shoes before repairing to Deland.

Omaha has made his picks!

But no one will know what they are unless you call and ask him. The league office is pledged to secrecy as to what picks are being made, especially Ed's picks, as he is the one to beat. I have already made my picks and I am out of the running anyway. Kevin and Sean may want to call Ed and ask him about whom he will pick.

Two years ago Patrick called often on Superbowl day asking what Wayne, then front runner, had for a pick. When I told him I couldn't say, he said to give him the pick opposite Wayne. I called Wayne and told him about Pat's request and Wayne said, fine, give me the same pick as Patrick. This went on for hours, hilariously so, for when I told Patrick of Wayne's decision to take the same pick as he, Pat said that wasn't fair. I reminded him that he had tried to tie his pick to Waynes earlier, and he said that was different, though he couldn't explain why. Patrick eventually made is pick and it was the opposite of Waynes, and he won the Chappie. Since then, he has become a Ravens fan.

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Sent in my super bowl picks, did you get them Heir Commish?  It took me several attempts to log in today, this site hates me.


Tuesday, January 27, 2015

2014 SuperBowl Picks Form

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Tuesday, January 20, 2015

new england

Although i have been sucking pond water (not from the uncanonuc) all season , I am proud New Englander who will continue to pick my Patriots , Red Sox's , Bruins & Celtics no matter what ! Were has everyone been this season ? No smack talking has been heard in quite awhile . Has Naples become lazy in there retirement ??? Kirk are you stuck in a tree somewere in Granby waiting for a deer or being harassed by a bear ? As for Uncle Wayne .... well you have always been my favorite even though i have yet to return your phone call. So i will not be awarded with the Honorable Millie or Chappy award again this year , It still has been fun . So onto to the Super bowl were i will cheer on my beloved Patriots , eat nachos , have some drinks and hope to see some entertaining commercials . Hugs from freezing cold ct Go Pats !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The King of the Ravens

You know the Commish can mock me all he wants for my pick of the Ravens. It was a solid gamble for points. The Ravens are one of the most dangerous opponents for the Patriots in the playoffs and an upset was a very real possibility. Also, taking into account how everyone in this pool blindly picks the Pats like a herd of sheep following their shepherd Bill Belichick, the points were right there for the taking. Obviously it did not work out but that's why it's a gamble. So go ahead Commish. Continue to change my picture to some of the greatest evil monsters in history and fiction. I kind of like the Joffrey Baratheon one. Befits a king after all. But if I must be a monster so be it.

All you Patriot lovers are about to have your hopes deflated. Yes the Seattle Seahawks will be Champions once more at Super Bowl XLIX. Yes as a proud Patriots hater I will be picking the Seahawks. Belicheat is a disgrace and I hope Brady breaks his arm in the 1st quarter. They're all overrated and can't compete against Wilson and company. The Pats' bag of tricks and deceptions won't save them in Arizona. Go Seahawks! In Pete Carroll we trust.  In Pete Carroll we trust. In Pete Carroll we trust. In Pete Carroll we trust.

The King of the Ravens
And Rabid Patriots Hater

PS: Phoque the Patriots!

But seriously....
GO PATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, January 19, 2015

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Patrick Picked the Ravens, and Other Observations

1. It is between the Ghost and Sanford. Sean picked up some points on Ed again this week, but Ed still leads by 4, 206 to 202.  Ed has been picking exclusively the favorites, and he has been rewarded. Sean continues on his late season push to the top. It may come down to the superbowl.

2. Kirk is Perfect. Granby correctly called each of the four games, going with 3 favorites and one underdog.

3. Dallas Embroglio Affected Many. Eight league members picked Dallas to upset the Pack and it looked like they would, until the refs got into the game. For those eight, it was a 5 point swing, and as Ed picked the pack, all would have gained significantly on him. For instance, the Commish would have had 16 points to Ed's 6, tying Ed in overall points. But, alas, it was not to be.

4. Pat Picked the Ravens. While not technically prohibited, a pick against the Pats still has telling repercussions. Many have voiced outrage at Pat's temerity, but Pat knew he would have to eat crow, or raven in this case. The Raven King of the North is nothing if not cunning, and we all should accept the karma of the Pat's victory. Patrick may be a raven lunatic for picking against the Pats, but bird lovers love the birds, and members have the right to make bird-brained picks. Perhaps his three-eyed crow led him astray. Who knows, maybe a murder of crows are speaking to him, or a conspiracy of ravens, in this case. Whatever the cause, Pat picked the Ravens, and for that he will be known, and upon that his ignominy will be based.

5. Pat Picked the Ravens. What a dumbass.

Monday, January 12, 2015

Week 20 Conference Championships Form 2014

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Week 19 Division Champioinship Stats

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Monday, January 5, 2015

Week 19 Picks Form

Create your free online surveys with SurveyMonkey , the world's leading questionnaire tool.

Week 19 Underdogs

NFL Odds Divisional Playoff Games - NFL Football Odds
Divisional Playoffs
NFL Game Odds 1/10 - 1/11, 2015
Date & TimeFavoriteSpreadUnderdogTotalMoney Odds
1/10 4:35 ETAt New England   -7Baltimore 48-$340 +$280
1/10 8:15 ETAt Seattle   -11.5Carolina 40.5-$700 +$500
1/11 1:00 ETAt Green Bay   -6.5Dallas 53-$310 +$260
1/11 4:40 ETAt Denver   -7Indianapolis 54-$340 +$280

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Saturday, January 3, 2015