Monday, August 19, 2013

There is one rule change for the upcoming season that needs to be considered.

If you remember, Patrick won last season because in the super bowl, I did the honorable thing and placed (my honest) pick prior to seeing Patrick's pick.  The only way Patrick could win was to pick the opposite of me and have his team win. 

Had I chose to, I could have picked "the opposite of Patrick" and it would have been impossible for him to beat me.  As I scan the list of owners in this contest, I'm not sure anyone else would have done the honorable thing and made a legitimate pick.  Well, maybe niece not.

So, I propose something along these lines:

If the champion is to be determined by the final (super bowl) game, as it was last year, the two (or more) teams in contention are to make their picks via email or phone to the Commish, if he is not involved in the outcome, which is quite likely...

But if in a monumental upset he is still in contention, then picks must be made via phone or email to one of the other two cousins: Wayne or, heaven forbid, Kevin.  If all three cousins are involved, picks must be made via phone or email to other than direct descendants, i.e. Kirk or Diane.

Now, we all know there is a fourth cousin, Ed.  We all love Ed, but let's face it, in this contest he is a non-factor and all communications with Ed are filtered through Patrick.  No, that just wouldn't do.

All teams in contention must pick their final game winner by the specific team name and could not pick "the opposite of (fill in name)," or any similar hijinks. 

All teams in contention would not be advised of each other's pick until all picks are in and final, and posted in the GO ZONE.

I apologize that this proposal is so lengthy, wordy, but I tried to anticipate and address the untrustworthyness of  some of the players...

With love to all,

The Honorable Omaha Cousin