Monday, January 9, 2012

Wildcard Observations

1.     New Leader of the Pack. Patrick vaulted into the lead with his 3-1, 11 point weekend. Luke and Ed were perfect for the week, going 4-0 and getting 14 points. Luke got out of the cellar. The new lineup is Patrick 191, Mike 190, Kevin and Ed 188,  JoJo 187, Wayne 186, Kate 183, Luke 177, Sean and Bran and Ryan 176 and Scott with 174.
2.     Underdog Picks. JoJo and Sean employed an all0underdog strategy, picking all four underdogs to win. They were both 1-3 and got 5 points.
3.     Bengals Big Losers. League members chose the Bengals 9-2, with only Ed and Luke taking the favored Texans.