Monday, January 16, 2012

Division Weekend Observations

1.     The Commish Bounces Back. The beloved commissioner has regained the lead, no matter how tenuously. His 3-1 record, and especially his pick of the Giants, closed the deal.

2.     Kate on the Ascendancy. Kate has strung together good playoff picks to get her into striking distance.  Her 13 points ties her with JoJo for winners of the week.

3.     Underdog Picks Making a Difference. The Underdog Picks have combined to crowd the race throughout the league. The point standings are now 201, 200, 199, 197, 196, 193, 192, 187, 184, 183, and 180.

4.     Ed Picked the Broncos. I have determined that Ed would now be in the lead if he had consistently picked the Patriots throughout the season. It is a huge sacrifice for him to abandon his chances of league success to indulge in  his hatred of the Patriots.

5.     Cousin Wayne Successful. The Senior Advisory Committee is happy to see that Cousin Wayne was able to make a pick on all four games this past weekend. The committee voted 3-2 to wish him continued success in that endeavor.