Friday, February 4, 2011

Commissioner's Observations

Superbowl Scenario. It always comes down to the superbowl! With 7 points at stake, six different owners could tie or beat Kevin if they win against his pick. Sean is in the best position with 128, but the Commish and Jo can win out with a winning pick and a losing picks from Kevin and Sean. Cousin Wayne and son Marc can tie him if things go their way. The problem is, as Kevin has surmised in an email, everyone must pick opposite him to have a chance at winning out. To wit:

   It seems there may be a conspiracy to hold off picking the winner until someone in the lead makes his pick. This is a clear violation of league policy. The office of the Commish needs to investigate such inappropriate behavior immediately or sooner. I'm not certain who the culprits are but as you may notice, I have cc's to certain owners.


The End Game. Kevin must eventually make his pick and he must pick a winner to win out. It all comes down to that. He sounds anguished by his predicament, but leaders carry a heavy load, and it is fitting that he must make one more winning pick to win it all.

Winning it All?  BTW, when I say “win it all” I am speaking hypothetically. To this date, not one owner has sent in his registration money, so we are talking theory here only.

Sunday Email. Keep close to your email on Sunday. I will notify all owners when Kevin makes his pick.