Sunday, February 13, 2011


I am truly humbled by the outpouring of cards and gifts for the first place finish. I just got back from my trip to Disney with Aaron Rodgers. I thanked him for winning as well. Retaining the title may be difficult but I look forward to the unending barrage of pathetic back-in-the-pack owners about the way the commish handles some issues. There may be some tweaking of a couple of things. Bran has been hired as the accountant. Scott says he wants in. Patrick has made some form of contact grunting that he wants in. Wayne has been appointed to the post of grievance czar. Ed, well we still can't locate him. To the Commish I say "well done" but I do need to go and polish that Lumbar Trophy that just arrived. Boy, they packed it well!

Kev/Bro/Grandpa/Cuz/Uncle Big Kev

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Kevin Winning and the Logical Destruction of God

Based upon my readings of ancient Philosophy:

If God is willing to prevent Kevin from winning, but not able,
Then he is not omnipotent.

If God is able to prevent Kevin from winning, but not willing,
Then he is malevolent.

If God is both able and willing to prevent Kevin from winning,
Then why did he let Kevin win?

If God is neither able nor willing to prevent Kevin from winning,
Then why call him God?

(with apologies to Epicurus who wrote "evil" in place of "Kevin winning".

Corrected Season Standings

The Commissioner admits to an arithmetic error in compiling the final statistics and standings. This explains why he abandoned his math major after two years of college. Somehow, it all seemed too precise for him. He is a global thinker and constant attention to minute details seemed anti-life and annoying.

To wit, the final final statistics and standings:

Monday, February 7, 2011

Sunday, February 6, 2011

I must call a foul on the Commish. Being in range, there had to be a deliberate delay in picking the winner. The owners need to meet in a special session concerning this backhanded, Peterborough-like tactic.
Brandy/Ryan may find they are further behind by this continuous scouring of the weekly points. I think she is trying to use West Coast math to get more points!! The only math worse than that is out of Illinios.
Almost gametime!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Kev/Dad/Uncle Big Kev/Cuz/Grandpa/Bro

Final Superbowl Picks

Superbowl Pick


Superbowl pix

Brandy & Ryan:
Steelers (it ain't over til its over...this league has been known to have some mathematical errors)


P.S. Brandy will be spending the entire game reviewing the past weeks for fraudulent statistics.

Kevin has made his pick!

Kevin has picked the Pack. Ed, Wayne, Marc, Jo all agree with his pick. I have picked the Steelers.

That's it so far.

The Commish

Friday, February 4, 2011

Commissioner's Observations

Superbowl Scenario. It always comes down to the superbowl! With 7 points at stake, six different owners could tie or beat Kevin if they win against his pick. Sean is in the best position with 128, but the Commish and Jo can win out with a winning pick and a losing picks from Kevin and Sean. Cousin Wayne and son Marc can tie him if things go their way. The problem is, as Kevin has surmised in an email, everyone must pick opposite him to have a chance at winning out. To wit:

   It seems there may be a conspiracy to hold off picking the winner until someone in the lead makes his pick. This is a clear violation of league policy. The office of the Commish needs to investigate such inappropriate behavior immediately or sooner. I'm not certain who the culprits are but as you may notice, I have cc's to certain owners.


The End Game. Kevin must eventually make his pick and he must pick a winner to win out. It all comes down to that. He sounds anguished by his predicament, but leaders carry a heavy load, and it is fitting that he must make one more winning pick to win it all.

Winning it All?  BTW, when I say “win it all” I am speaking hypothetically. To this date, not one owner has sent in his registration money, so we are talking theory here only.

Sunday Email. Keep close to your email on Sunday. I will notify all owners when Kevin makes his pick.

Conference Championship Stats