Weekly Observations:
What a wild week!
First the Panthers give chase to the Eagles only to lose by a feather. The Jets battle the Dolphins but burn out in overtime. The Bills charged but the Rams locked horns and delivered the final blow. The Bolts brought the lightening and thunder to the Chiefs only to fall by a ding and a dong or maybe even a leprechaun. Nothing shocking about the Cowboys loss but at least they are entertaining. Thank you Jerry for the laughs.
Then there is the GO Zone drama. The Bills spoil Luke's undefeated week. Diane only loses two games, I think she might have the flu. Jo gains a point on Omaha! Kirk is tied with Deland, not that important to mention but they both whine like 13 year old middle school girls when I don't include them in my weekly reporting. Babies! Noah McFademore has reached the cellah with Kate and Diane. Enjoy the pressure-free zone!