Thursday, February 15, 2024


And The Real Winner is.....

The one, the only, the most deserving. future hall of famer, most humble and
welcoming woman, daring and undaunted, confident and competent, the
one, the only...

Katie O'Leary

I think I speak for every member in the league when I express the gratitude for
your hard work, diligence and good humor in your role of Miss Commish. You
have single-handedly revitalized the league and ensured its success this year,
and I hope many years to come. The league was conceived as a vehicle to bring
the O'Leary and Gonyea families together. As such, it is rewarding that Kate
shared that vision and volunteered to take on leadership of the league.

So, for Kevin, Wayne, Ed and the rest of the league, please accept our heart
felt gratitude. You truly represent the best of the GOZoae Football League.