Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Monday, January 23, 2023

Saturday, January 21, 2023


1. Ryan picked the Giants last week. He joins Kirk and Ed with a 6-0. 22 point week.

2. Kate picked the Giants this week. 

3. Kirk picked the Giants.

4. Ryan was ltoo ate with his first pick, but got in the last three: the Eagles, the Bengals and the 49ers.

All changes have been made in the master documents for each week.

The Commish

Week 20 Division Series Picks


Wednesday, January 18, 2023

More on the Ghost...

Wayne emailed me these comments about Ed, but I thought they were posted on the GoZone. They weren't, so here is what he wrote:

Wayne Gonyea

Tue, Jan 10, 6:51 PM (8 days ago)
to me
Thank you Ed, this was a classy move on your part and I am confident that I speak for all of us in acknowledging it.  


Saturday, January 14, 2023

Tuesday, January 10, 2023

The Ghost to the Rescue


During the last SAC meeting, it was discussed that the proposed changes around starting the playoffs with zero points. An observation was made that the change benefitted everyone except the current reigning regular season champion Ed. While all others get a fresh chance at a title, Ed's immense benefit of starting the playoffs with a 10 point cushion would dissipate. 

With this in mind, the Commish called Ed to get his reaction. After explaining the changes and pointing out that he was the only one damaged by the change, I offered to start the change next year and let him have his hard earned advantage. 

His reaction: "I like the idea of starting over for the playoffs," he said. "I think we should do it this year. It is more important that everyone is interested and having fun with a chance for a trophy than me having a big lead."

I was floored. 

Thank you Ed for your integrity, your class and your love of the game.

Playoff Changes and Picks Link


At a recent meeting of the Senior Advisory Council, members discussed changes in the playoff format. They decided to change the format to make winning the Post season more available to all members. To that end, the regular season champion will no longer start the playoffs with a lead on the field. Instead, everyone will start over with zero points.

If, as seems likely, there is a tie at the end of the SuperBowl, the member tied for first place with the most regular season points will be the winner.

The other rules still apply.

Playoff Rules:

1. Members will begin the playoffs with zero points.

2. Each playoff pick win will be worth 3 points.

3. If the member's pick is the underdog in the game, 2 points will be added as well. The underdog will be determined by the Commissioner and identified on the picks chart.

4. The Superbowl winning pick is worth 7 points, with 3 underdog points.

5. In addition, there will be 7 possible additional points depending upon game statistics.

         Members will pick the winner of the game, but also which team will have the
a. Most Rushing Yards on offense
b. Most Passing Yards on offense
c. Most Completions on offense
d. Most penalty yards as a team
e. Most sacks on defense
f. Most Rushing TD's
g. Most Passing TD’s

6. In the case of a tie for first place, the member with the most points in the regular season will win. 


Monday, January 9, 2023

The Ghost Reigns Supreme


Congratulations to Ed for his victory in the regular season. Leading the entire way, Ed built up a ten point lead and kept it true week after week. 

Week 18 Stats


Saturday, January 7, 2023

Week 18 Picks


Saturday Games

 There are two games today. Please have your picks in by 4:00 to be included in the picks chart.

Thursday, January 5, 2023

Vote Here

 Following the tragic injury in the Bengals-Bills game, there has been no direction from the Commish as to how the Go Zone will wrap up its 2022-23 season.  There seems to be much confusion and little leadership.

I move that the league owners elect a Speaker of the Zone.


Wayne T. Gonyea

Senior Visible Member, Advisory Council

Wednesday, January 4, 2023

Tuesday, January 3, 2023

Week 18 Picks Chart Link


The stats for week 17 will be published as soon as it is decided what will happen with the Bills/Bengals game.

Week 18 Link:


Sunday, January 1, 2023