Wednesday, November 2, 2022

Kink in the North

 I need Omaha to weigh in. The Kink in the North, after what had to be a gut-wrenching decision, sheepishly points out he was given unearned points. The Commish fires back this goopy, drippy note stating how honorable the Kink is for bringing this to light. There seems to be a subliminal message inferring that others in the group may not be as honorable! Such a slap in the face of the clan! The Kink should be slapped for again making note of the Commish’s mathematical errors. Millie is not happy Michael! The SAC needs to convene to discuss Guido’s next contract as well. The latest rumor has Guido taking a part in this Kink mush ball plan to make the Kink come out smelling like a rose.

Best to the clan,
