Sunday, November 27, 2022

Thursday, November 24, 2022

Tuesday, November 22, 2022

Corrected Week 11 Stats

 The missed game between the Falcons and the Bears messed me up quite a bit this week. Also,  keep in mind that the games start at 12:30, and as I am going to Punta Gorda for Thanksgiving I'll need your picks by 11 at the latest. Thanks

Weel 12 Picks Survey Link 

Week 11 Stats


Sunday, November 20, 2022

Friday, November 18, 2022

Missed GAme


Wayne and Kevin noted that the Bears at Falcons game is missing in the survey. They are correct. I can't edit the survey because some people have already submitted their responses. Therefore, I am asking each member to text me their pick. Thanks.

Thursday, November 17, 2022

Week 11 Thursday Night Picks


Minor Correction


Upon consultation with Omaha, we determined that there was one error in the week 10 stats. I had Marcus taking the Cardinals, who won, but he had picked the Rams. He therefore has one less point and that will be reflected in this week's stats.

Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Week 11 Picks Link


 Correction: Ed reports he picked the Saints and not the Steelers. This has been corrected.

Sunday, November 13, 2022

Thursday, November 10, 2022

Tuesday, November 8, 2022

Week 9 Revised Stats

 Wayne and I found a few errors. Check out your scores to make sure we have it right.

Week 10 Picks Link

Week 9 Stats


Sunday, November 6, 2022

Thursday, November 3, 2022

Wednesday, November 2, 2022

 Sheesh, Deland whines more than he did as a child, and I didn't think that was possible.

The Commish and I rescored everyone's picks from Week 8, and I believe we corrected all the errors.  And yes, the Commish had a rough week in scoring week 8.  If we somehow missed something and an error still exists, let us know and we will fix it.


Kink in the North

 I need Omaha to weigh in. The Kink in the North, after what had to be a gut-wrenching decision, sheepishly points out he was given unearned points. The Commish fires back this goopy, drippy note stating how honorable the Kink is for bringing this to light. There seems to be a subliminal message inferring that others in the group may not be as honorable! Such a slap in the face of the clan! The Kink should be slapped for again making note of the Commish’s mathematical errors. Millie is not happy Michael! The SAC needs to convene to discuss Guido’s next contract as well. The latest rumor has Guido taking a part in this Kink mush ball plan to make the Kink come out smelling like a rose.

Best to the clan,
