Saturday, October 1, 2022

Deadlines, Hurricanes and Relocation Plans

 The deadline for this week is 11:00 on Sunday. I will publish the picks at 12. I have a visit to Peterborough scheduled at 1:00.

At some point Marc and I will be driving down to Florida, but we are not sure when that will be. We are waiting for word to come that our electricity is back. It may be a while. For league purposes, we have to travel Thursday,  Friday and Saturday of that week, so no thursday night picks will be published. Members should send in their picks before the game, either using the web site link or texting me their picks. Survey Nation records the time members send in their picks, so I will still be able to determine who picked their teams and when.

My house in Fort Myers came through the hurricane quite well. My flagpole is listing at a 45* angle, and two fence gates where blown over, but not structural damage to the house itself or to the pool cage and screening. No discernible leaks in the roof or ceilings. I lost a youngish tree as well. This is the second hurricane to hit Fort Myers in 5 years and my house came through both very well. I am 8 miles in from the ocean, but only a mile from the Caloosahatchee River which was 7 feet above flood stage, but my neighborhood remained unflooded.  I am only 4 miles from the power generating station and across the street from the local high school, so my hopes are that we will get electricity sooner rather than later. Most of the damage is caused by tree limbs, not flooding or damaged transformers.