Sunday, October 30, 2022

Thanks Patrick

The entire Go Zone home office (even Guido) wants to thank The King for pointing out the discrepancy on the Stats post. His honesty should be admired. This is not the first time he has brought attention to addition errors that took points away from him. The correct total will show up in this week's stats.

Week 8 Picks


Thursday, October 27, 2022

Week 8 Thursday Night Picks



 Found another error. My points total should be 63 not 66. Looks like an addition mistake made in week 6. Thanks for the bonus pts lol. You're welcome.

The King

Revised Week 7 Stats


The Commish was particularly inaccurate on his stats for week 7. Intrepid auditor and all around bon vivant, Omaha, ferreted out the Commish's mistakes and demanded that he rerelease that week's stats, along with referring to him as "intrepid." While investigating week 7's inaccuracies, Omaha and the Commish unearthed another discrepancy which will require further investigation. As usual, Guido will spearhead the investigation promising a thorough and fair investigation before "nailing the guilty to the wall."

Here are the revised stats for week 7:

Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Week 8 Picks Survey Link

Week 7 Final Stats . . . And The Ghost Protocol

NOTE The Ghost has pointed out that back in week 5 the main office reported on 16 games but only counted on 15. Based upon the fact that the main office counts the number of incorrect picks and subtracts that from the number of total games, this mean every member is owed one point. The Ghost proposed a protocol to deal with this issue. He suggested adding two rows on the stats page which explains that one is acknowledgement of the missing win and the second is a new grand total. Called The Ghost Protocol it will supply transparency to the whole process. So, behold, the Ghost Protocol.

Sunday, October 23, 2022

Thursday, October 20, 2022

Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Sunday, October 16, 2022


The good news is I have arrived at the winter home office in Fort Myers. The bad news is that I didn't bring my go zone data with me.

Last year I began using my iCloud drive to store league data and it worked fine. This year, my iCloud drive has notihng from this year at all. I copied the go zone folder, but forgot the memory stick in the computer. Peg retrieved it and will send it down tomorrow, but there will be not picks charts or results until maybe Wednesday.

It's always something.

The Commish

Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Week 6 Picks Chart Link


IMPORTANT: My son Marc and I will be moving the home office to the leagues's winter location in Fort Myers. We will leave Thursday, October 13, and arrive in Fort Myers late on Saturday October 15. This means I will be on the road for Thursday night's game.

Each member should make his or her Thursday night picks by 8:00 pm Wednesday, October 9. This will allow me to complete the Thursday night picks chart before I go. To preserve the integrity of the picks process, any member who does not supply his or her pick will forfeit that pick. The wisest thing would be to click on the link below and fill out the Thursday night pick right now.

Week 5 Stats


Sunday, October 9, 2022

Week 5 Picks


Thanks so much for getting your picks in early. It helped me a lot, but next week will be even more complicated More on that later.

Thursday, October 6, 2022

Week 5 Thursday night Picks

 * * * Important Announcement * * *

This Sunday I  have a meeting at 10 in the morning. Therefore it would help me immensely if members could get their picks in either Saturday or early Sunday morning. I will publish at around game time and if your picks aren't in your piece of the chart will be blank. 

Tuesday, October 4, 2022

Week 4 Audit

 Our Commish is on a roll.  Can find no errors during my Week 4 Audit.

Only 14 points separate 20 players in the power stats standings.

Top Ten:

1.  Ed 44
2.  Judy 42
2.  Nick
4.  Ryan 40
5.  Wayne 39
5.  Kirk 39
5.  Sean 39
8.  Karen 38
8.  Marcus 38
8.  Trey 38


CEO Auditing Dept.
VP Quality Control  

Week 5 Picks Link

Week 4 Stats

For those of you who are playing at home, Luke got his Thursday nibht pick in late but still before gametime.. Kev and Jo had picked the Pats but got assigned the Packers.


Sunday, October 2, 2022

Saturday, October 1, 2022

London game

 Don't forget that the Vikings at Saints game will start at 9:30am Sunday in London. 

Deadlines, Hurricanes and Relocation Plans

 The deadline for this week is 11:00 on Sunday. I will publish the picks at 12. I have a visit to Peterborough scheduled at 1:00.

At some point Marc and I will be driving down to Florida, but we are not sure when that will be. We are waiting for word to come that our electricity is back. It may be a while. For league purposes, we have to travel Thursday,  Friday and Saturday of that week, so no thursday night picks will be published. Members should send in their picks before the game, either using the web site link or texting me their picks. Survey Nation records the time members send in their picks, so I will still be able to determine who picked their teams and when.

My house in Fort Myers came through the hurricane quite well. My flagpole is listing at a 45* angle, and two fence gates where blown over, but not structural damage to the house itself or to the pool cage and screening. No discernible leaks in the roof or ceilings. I lost a youngish tree as well. This is the second hurricane to hit Fort Myers in 5 years and my house came through both very well. I am 8 miles in from the ocean, but only a mile from the Caloosahatchee River which was 7 feet above flood stage, but my neighborhood remained unflooded.  I am only 4 miles from the power generating station and across the street from the local high school, so my hopes are that we will get electricity sooner rather than later. Most of the damage is caused by tree limbs, not flooding or damaged transformers.