Tuesday, September 27, 2022

Week 3 Power Stats

 An Observation: Last year the league average after 3 weeks was 30 points. This year it is 27 points. Last year the leader after three weeks was Trey with 38 points. This year it is Ed with 36 points. 

Guido feels an investigation is in order, or as he puts it, "Let's take the blighter down," which is strange because Guido in not at all English. 

The King of the  Our informant notes that there are strange phone numbers on the Ghost's phone, which he was able to clone while the Ghost was taking his monthly shower.  The Kin  Our informant believes at least one of the numbers is to a professional handicapping service. 

As your Commish, I have to restate that professional handicapping services are illegal in the league. I have authorized Guido to conduct a full and fair investigation of the matter and to report to me when the Ghost has been found guilty it is resolved.