Thursday, September 29, 2022

Tuesday, September 27, 2022

 I have audited all the Week 3 figures and take no exception to any of the Commish's stats.  

Keep up the good work, Commish!

CEO Auditing Dept

Week 4 Picks Link 

Week 3 Power Stats

 An Observation: Last year the league average after 3 weeks was 30 points. This year it is 27 points. Last year the leader after three weeks was Trey with 38 points. This year it is Ed with 36 points. 

Guido feels an investigation is in order, or as he puts it, "Let's take the blighter down," which is strange because Guido in not at all English. 

The King of the  Our informant notes that there are strange phone numbers on the Ghost's phone, which he was able to clone while the Ghost was taking his monthly shower.  The Kin  Our informant believes at least one of the numbers is to a professional handicapping service. 

As your Commish, I have to restate that professional handicapping services are illegal in the league. I have authorized Guido to conduct a full and fair investigation of the matter and to report to me when the Ghost has been found guilty it is resolved.

Week 3 Stats


Sunday, September 25, 2022

OOOPS, I meant the Ravens

 Now I’m sure I’ve (Jo) even Guido with my comment. Jo & Kev picked the Patriots NOT the Ravens (I had posted Panthers) 🤪#%?¥%# - Truly, I haven’t even had a drink yet !!!!  Sorry for the mixup Guido. Jo “ The Boss”

Week 3 - Jo & Kev picked Patriots

 Guido has made a slight error posting for Week 3 — Jo & Kev picked the Patriots NOT the Panthers. Kev has spoken with The Commish. For clarification, The Commish advised us to note the correction on the blog but Guido is unable to show the change until the points are tallied. 

GOOD LUCK to all the bloggers!  Let’s GO GO-zoners!!!!!!!🏈

Week 3 Picks


Thursday, September 22, 2022

Tuesday, September 20, 2022

 Wow!  Is this the Mike I know???

I have audited the week 2 results AND --I can find no errors!

The week 2 results are correct for each member!

The power stats for the first two weeks are all correct...I mean, for each player....for each game!

Who are you paying to do this work, Commish?


To Amy

 There were 16 games that week, but one was a tie and did not count as a game. Therefore, you had 6 incorrect picks, subtracted from 15 games, for a 9-6 record. I inadvertently corrected your points for week 1 for you, so the re-corrections will show up on next week's stats.

Week 3 Picks Link


Week 2 Stats and Picks


Sunday, September 18, 2022

Thursday, September 15, 2022

Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Where are they??

 Where are Mike and Kev?  Can't find them.  Have they dropped out of the league?

Oh - there they are -  WAY   DOWN  THERE!

Wow - Our Commish has 6 points, and the family brat has 5.

No wonder they are so quiet...


Stats Changes

 Quite a few mistakes this week. Here is the updated stats.

Week 2 Survey Link 

Week 1 Stats


Oh, the carnage;;;

It was a tough first week for many as prohibitive favorites throughout the league coughed it up. No one had it tougher than Deland though. The Commish was upset with a 7-8 week when he spied Deland's 5-10 effort. Now, he is feeling better about himself.

Here are the numbers:


Sunday, September 11, 2022

Thursday, September 8, 2022

Thursday night picks

 I have been struggling to find another online survey and it hasn't been easy. Right now I have competed surveys from survey planet from13 of youi. The following should retake the survey planet survey before Sunday's games. Thanks.











The Commish

Wednesday, September 7, 2022

Radical Change in Plans

 The Commish has been working feverishly to get into the survey program. Somehow he has been frozen out of the survey site used last year. So he is trying get a new survey up and running.

I am not sure if I can collect the data, but there is no time like the present to try.

Here is the new link:

Please re-enter your picks on this survey. Thanks.

Monday, September 5, 2022

Week 1 Picks


Welcome Back

 As the new year in GoZone Football looms, the Commish wishes to welcome all back for another year of lively picks and budding rivalries. To that end, it is importantly to realize that, though it may seem otherwise, there are some guidelines for the  use of the blog. First and foremost, any posts mentioning a member by name should observe the following; when mentioning a member in a negative way, be sure use the person's nickname. Complimentary or neutral mentions should use the member's given name. 

I suspect that Google allows more than ten co-authors of the site to contribute to its success, therefor, I will be sending invitations to members who are not co-authors soon. Accepting co-authorship requires a gmail account, so if that freaks you out, simply refuse the invitation. 

Well that's it. Let the games begin!!!